What Kind Of Doctor Treats Arthritis Of The Spine?

What Kind Of Doctor Treats Arthritis Of The Spine

If you have back or joint pain in the spinal area and you think there is a possibility that you may have arthritis, you might be considering what type of doctor you need to see. It can be confusing to most without a medical background on whether they should see an orthopaedist, … Read more

Five Reasons Why you Should Care about Mineral Nutrients

Five Reasons Why you Should Care about Mineral Nutrients

Good health is something that is important to everyone, regardless of where they are located, what they do for a living or anything else. We all want to feel fit and full of energy, ready to tackle whatever the day throws at us. No one wakes in the morning hoping to feel … Read more

How to Detox from Dopamine

How to Detox from Dopamine

Dopamine is one of the many feel-good chemicals in the brain that is the driving force behind our desires and cravings. It’s the chemical that compels us to do whatever it is that we enjoy doing. For example, let’s say you’re at work doing whatever it is you do at work. Your … Read more

How to Balance or Overcome Depression and Anxiety

How to Balance or Overcome Depression and Anxiety

What is Depression? Depression is a mental illness that usually occurs due to trauma. When someone is suffering from depression, they will no more feel any interest in socializing with other people, and they find it hard to cope with their daily routine. Depression causes extreme sadness and loss of interest in … Read more

The changing face of workout: top trending fitness machines

The changing face of workout top tranding fitness machines

The changing face of fitness has reignited the trend of domestic workout. The rise of home-gyms has a close link with the emergence of coronavirus. People spent so many weeks in quarantine that they found solace working out in the comfort of their homes. Creating a home-gym has become an economically-affordable decision … Read more

Natural Ways to Reduce High Cholesterol

Natural Ways to Reduce High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is secreted by your liver and performs many important functions in the body. For instance, it keeps the walls of your muscles flexible and helps make several hormones. But high cholesterol is not good for your health and should be treated ASAP. Here is how you can naturally reduce the levels … Read more

Lifestyle Factors Which Can Increase Your Risk of Incontinence

Lifestyle Factors Which Can Increase Your Risk of Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is generally defined as the loss of bladder control. It refers to the involuntary leakage of urine. The leakage may range from a slight loss of urine control to a complete loss of control. It is a condition that can affect people of all ages but its incidence increases with … Read more

Incredibly Fantastic Health Benefits of Ayahuasca

Fantastic Health Benefits

For centuries, the native communities of the Amazon have thrived on the potent powers of the ayahuasca. In the earlier days, limitations to herbal rituals and shamanistic ceremonies were prominent. However, today, medical science and the holistic health community are beginning to realize its vast healing potential and spiritual benefits. The benefits … Read more

What You Should Know About Preventing Epilepsy Seizures

What You Should Know About Preventing Epilepsy Seizures

Epilepsy can’t be prevented, however, seizures that arise with it can be stopped. Most seizure patients are waiting for a day when they can completely eradicate the condition. With epilepsy as a major cause of seizures, understanding triggers can help you go a long way. Putting in the right measures as discussed … Read more

3 Awesome Protein Substitutes on a Vegan Diet

3 Awesome Protein Substitutes on a Vegan Diet

Over the centuries the idea that we need meat in order to power the body has become accepted as fact by many. As a result, there is a widespread perception that if you don’t eat meat, protein deficiency is bound to result. The reality is that, so long as you get a … Read more

Top 10 Arm Exercises For Women For Toned Arms

Top 10 Arm Exercises For Women For Toned Arms

These are our collection of best arm exercises for women. These exercises cover all of the major muscles in your arms. You can make your own workouts from this list of arm exercises for women. Choose between 6 to 8 exercises for a thorough workout. Make sure to choose exercises that targets … Read more

What health activities can we do in-home during coronavirus?

What health activities can we do in-home during coronavirus

Health improvement does not have to take place in a specific place. If you have access to certain home equipment, you can easily perform various actions. Also, if you know the ways to working out, by doing various exercise you can maintain your health status. Also, you can improve your health status … Read more

Keeping a Healthy Mind and Body During The Pandemic

Keeping a Healthy Mind and Body During The Pandemic

Staying healthy, both physically and mentally, is something that people all over the world desire. Finding the right balance between work and relaxation can be difficult for most people, and those who work long hours are often restricted in how and when they can visit their local gym or at least partake … Read more

Different Types of Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs

Different Types of Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs

The CDC defines an alcohol disorder, which is a chronic disease, as the need to drink despite how it impacts their professional or personal lives. If someone cannot limit the amount they drink or need to drink more alcohol to have the same effect on them, they may have an alcohol disorder. Some people … Read more