Have You Heard? Kundalini Yoga is Your Best Bet for a Deeper Self-Awareness

Kundalini Yoga is an atavistic practice that has a lot of advantages for modern yogis. While it might seem veiled in mysticism, this approach is open to anyone pursuing a more spiritual way of yoga. Yogis, who are intrigued about self-awareness, may be especially interested to learn more about Kundalini Yoga practices.

The Mother of Yoga: Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga has a rich heritage and tradition that goes back a few thousand years. Keep reading to learn more about the fundamentals of this ancient practice.

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga is an approach that involves physical activity and meditation. It is often referred to as the “Mother of Yoga” because the yogis find that its results manifest quicker and is more effective than any other form of yoga. It is referred to as the “Yoga of Awareness” because of an increased feeling of awoken consciousness by those who practice it.

Kundalini Yoga involves postures (Asanas) and breathing exercises (Pranayama), and it has a particular focus on the subtle body. The subtle body (also called “Light Body” or “Spiritual Body”) is claimed to be made up of energy fields or powerful layers that comprise the physical human body. Such interrelated metaphysical layers produce the radiance of the body. In yoga, the metaphysical components (Chakras) of a subtle body are interconnected by a network of channels (Nadis) that carries the force energy of life (Prana).

The term Kundalini equates to “coil.” This pertains to mystical cosmic energy, depicted as a serpent that is sleeping inert at the spine’s base. Kundalini Yoga helps facilitate the consciousness of this energy. Once triggered, this life force flows through the chakras and interacts with the Prana, eventually leads to self-realization and awakening. When the energy of the Kundalini would be awakened, one can achieve the union of the mind, body, and spirit.

History of the Kundalini Yoga

Yoga is a traditional practice that is believed to have started over 50,000 years by Rishis or Seers in Tibet and India. For thousands of years, these wise practitioners have developed various movements, posture, breathing, and sound to trigger and awaken different parts of the body and mind. This awakening induces significant results in one’s physiological, emotional, and spiritual rejuvenation and development.

The teaching of Kundalini Yoga has been kept secret for thousands of years. All knowledge and technique was orally transferred from teachers to learners and existed mainly outside the West. In 1969, Yogi Bhajan, a yoga guru, finally brought Kundalini Yoga practices to America. His goal was to spread awareness about Kundalini Yoga to everyone who wanted to learn and understand everything about it.

Essential Elements of Kundalini Yoga

While a Kundalini Yoga class may initially emulate a traditional Hatha Yoga class – with Asana and meditation – the approach involves a number of other elements to promote the Kundalini energy’s awakening. These elements are as follows:

• “Mantras”— chanting

• “Mudras”— hand positions

• “Drishti”— focused gaze

• “Bandhas”— muscular locks

• “Kriyas”— breathing work related to movement

Asanas performed in Kundalini are generally not very difficult and are ideal for beginners. However, when taken in conjunction with many other elements, the practice can be rigorous and exhausting.

Benefits of Kundalini Yoga

Many Kundalini yogis claim that awakening helps bring utter joy, knowledge and understanding, and genuine love. It is considered as being the ultimate yogic embodiment of the unification of body, mind, and spirit.

Putting the focus on the spine’s flexibility helps the proper functioning of Kundalini and Prana. Yogis agree that if this flow is disrupted, the deficiency of flow causes physical illness, emotional problems, and stifled spiritual development. Maintaining energy flowing will offer a variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

Several of these advantages include the following:

• Healthy working of the glands;

• Improved cardiovascular, digestive, and lymphatic systems;

• boosted nervous system

• Improved state of well-being

• Improved immune systems

• Minimized or eliminated frustration, depression, and anxiety

• Inner tranquility and peace of mind

• Greater self-control as well as focus;

Usually, the benefits of Kundalini Yoga manifest very quickly. Many yogis claim they notice the benefits in a matter of minutes. The practice is open to all, regardless of the present level of physical condition. As some people would say, when you can breathe, you can perform Kundalini Yoga.

Components of Kundalini Yoga Practice

Unlike other forms of yoga, Kundalini does not have any levels. Students can practice in a group or on their own. There is also no experience required to begin doing it, and there is no stress on trying to perfect Asanas. Instead, breathing and one’s mental concentration are the essential components.

Typical components of the practice of Kundalini Yoga entail:

• Meditation – the technique used to attain a deeper level of awareness through the mind.

• Pranayama – Yogic breathing control and regulation methods intended to regulate the Pranic rhythm and carry about the constancy of mind and a shift in consciousness.

• Asana – distinct body positions used in yoga practice.

• Bandha – muscular locks that are used to harness the energy of the Prana to eradicate impurities.

• Mudra – a figurative, spiritual hand gesture that focuses and transmits the circulation of Pranic energy throughout the mind and body.

• Kriya – a yogic activity or a sequence of exercises designed to achieve a specific result.

• Drishti – a focused gaze in a yoga pose, aimed at creating a focus and balance between inner and outer consciousness.

• Mantra – repeated syllable, tone, word, or a phrase that is chanted in prayer or meditation. In yoga, mantras are believed to represent divine powers that concentrate their energy by sound vibrations.

Typical practice starts with meditation and then a warm-up to make a connection between breath and movement. It is accompanied by Kriyas and Asanas. Asanas are mostly the same poses often used in Hatha Yoga. Kundalini Yoga can also include some less popular Asanas deliberately designed to stretch and open the spine.

Every Kriya has a particular objective, such as purifying the digestive organs, alleviating stress, or boosting the nervous system. Asanas and Kriya can integrate Bandhas, Pranayama, Drishti, and Mudras to accomplish their objectives. The session will finish with a resting posture and then a closing mantra.

A Healthy Body, Mind, And Spirit with Kundalini Yoga

The practice of Kundalini Yoga can contribute to a deep bond between the mind, body, and spirit of the yogi. Physical wellness and emotional happiness will give rise to a positive mental attitude that can inspire many. For yogis searching for a route to deep awareness, Kundalini could be a perfect way.