Best Fruits and Vegetables When Doing a Detox

Eliminating toxins in your body by detoxification is one of the most important tasks to do to live a healthy life. These toxins often destroy cells and prevent them from regenerating. Continuous damage to the cells can often lead to severe illnesses like cancer.

While your liver can naturally eliminate toxins, it may sometimes have difficulties removing all those impurities if they are abundant in your body.

By consuming specific fruits and vegetables, your liver will be aided by the different vitamins and minerals that generally destroy harmful elements in your body. Here are some of the most helpful fruits and vegetables for detox.


The lemon is an excellent source of the antioxidant Vitamin C that helps fight toxins like free radicals in your body. Some free radicals are naturally formed inside your body, but other free radicals that came from outside sources like radiation and pollution are much more harmful to you. Regularly drinking lemon juice can prevent free radicals from spreading in your body.

Also, lemons are often used to ease indigestion and help cleanse your digestive system from hazardous elements.


Strawberries serve the same purpose as lemons since they also have Vitamin C, but the fruit has added Folate or Vitamin B9 that improves cell and tissue growth, as well as high amounts of manganese, which can enhance overall bone health in the body.

Since the strawberry can help increase cell growth, the fruit can also boost heart cells to increase their production of HDL (good cholesterol), a lipoprotein is also called that regulated and reduces the overproduction of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides in your heart. Too many triglycerides and bad cholesterol can lead to the development of plaque in your heart, which results in the blockage of arteries that can lead to heart complications.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

The Indian gooseberry is said to have the highest amount of antioxidants out of all the fruits and vegetables with detoxifying properties, which makes it the most effective fruit in eliminating toxins in the body.

Along with detoxification, the Amla is also used as a natural laxative to regularize bowel movement. Moreover, the Indian gooseberry can help prevent hair loss and premature graying because the fruit is rich in iron, a mineral needed by your hair to properly grow and remain black longer.


A fruit that also has similar detoxifying functions as lemons, the grapefruit is also a good source of pectin fiber, a dietary fiber that can help prevent prostate cancer and colon cancer.

In addition, grapefruits can also reduce bad cholesterol and eliminate poisonous heavy metals like lead and tungsten that usually cause problems in different parts of the body.


Pomegranates have two plant compounds called Punicalagins and Punicic Acid that is said to have remarkable health benefits.

Punicalagins are antioxidants that can destroy harmful elements in the body like free radicals and toxins. The pomegranate’s punicalagin is considered one of the most potent antioxidants because it beats green tea and red wine in terms of antioxidant activity.

Punicic acid, which is usually found in pomegranate oil, is beneficial in preventing heart problems from forming in the human body.


Avocados have this nutrient called glutathione that typically block unhealthy fats in your body. Along with blocking harmful fats, glutathione can also block carcinogens that can cause the formation of cancer cells.

Interestingly, the glutathione found in avocados can also lighten the skin due to the nutrient being able to make melanin become lighter in color.


Figs are not only a good source for antioxidants, but it is also rich in Vitamins B6, C, K, and A, as well as calcium and magnesium, which help strengthen your bones. The fruit is also rich in fiber that acts as a natural laxative to help ease constipation and indigestion.

Also, figs have potassium that reduces the risk of stroke since it helps lower blood pressure.

Green Tea Leaves

Green tea is arguably the most popular source for antioxidants since detoxification is its primary function. Moreover, since green tea also has a little bit of caffeine, it serves as an excellent substitute for coffee as a morning drink, as coffee contains high levels of caffeine that can sometimes cause palpitations and jitters.


For a caffeine-free alternative to green tea, you should try drinking Ashitaba tea. While green tea has about 25 milligrams of caffeine per cup, Ashitaba doesn’t contain caffeine, which makes it a perfect morning drink for those who don’t want to experience the jittery side effects of caffeine.

Besides having antioxidants, Ashitaba also has glycoside, which acts as an alternative for sugar. The glycoside can help lose your appetite for sweets, which can often add weight to your body.


While many people don’t like the taste of broccoli, the vegetable should still be eaten regularly because of its abundance in antioxidants, vitamins, and protein.

Because of its high protein content, broccoli serves as a fantastic vegetarian alternative for meat. The other nutrients found in Brocolli are Folate, Potassium, Manganese, Iron, Vitamin K, and Vitamin C.