Can Iron-Rich Foods Make You Smarter?

Assorted foods on a table, including lobster, beef, lamb liver, oysters, nuts, and seeds

Iron deficiency has been a major health problem for many people of all ages in many countries. Around the world, about 2.5 billion people are afflicted with iron deficiency. It affects a large number of women and children, even in developing countries. Effects of Iron Deficiency to the Brain Everybody knows that … Read more

Kellogg’s Bumps up Fiber in Some Special K Cereals

Kellogg’s Bumps up Fiber in Some Special K Cereals

With its “Special K Challenge“, Special K has gone to great lengths to advertise the link between its cereal and weight loss. The “Challenge” is to make 3 of your 4 small daily meals either Special K cereal or one of their bar or shake products. The problem is, that while its … Read more