Why We Should Be Eating More Mangoes

Sweet and delectable, it’s no surprise that mangoes are one of the most eaten fruits in the world. Whether it’s for ice cream, juice, salad, or eaten raw, it’s luscious taste is genuinely appetizing. While many people love it for its flavor, not many are aware of mangoes’ amazing nutritional profile. Here we give this juicy gem’s numerous excellent benefits that will keep everyone eating more mangoes!

Helps combat certain diseases

Mangoes are brimmed with various types of polyphenols, which are naturally-occurring compounds found in plant-based food. These micronutrients have antioxidant properties that help protect the body against cardiovascular, neurodegenerative disease, diabetes, and cancer. 

Boosts immunity

Packed with tons of vitamin C, vitamin A, antioxidants, and carotenoids, there’s no reason why you should miss adding mangoes to your shopping cart on your next trip to the grocery store. All those nutrients combine to ensure the proper functioning of the immune system, making this fruit a must-have if you want to keep your body strong and healthy and less susceptible to infections.

Aids in digestion

Are you having digestion issues? Mangoes can do wonders for you. The fruit contains essential enzymes that break down large food molecules and protein content for easier absorption. Moreover, mangoes are enriched with dietary fiber and have high water content, which also aids in other digestive issues like diarrhea and constipation. Consuming 150 grams of mango already supplies 12% of an average person’s daily recommended fiber intake.

Promotes better skin and hair health

Mangoes’ high vitamin C content serves many more purposes than boosting the immune system. Vitamin C also promotes collagen production, which keeps the skin elastic and firm, and prevents sagging and wrinkles. Besides eating mangoes, you can make a paste from the fruit by mashing it and adding milk and honey. Lather it to your skin and leave it for several minutes before washing it off for smoother and tender skin.

Meanwhile, the vitamin A content of mangoes helps maintain and develop the various epithelial tissues, such as the skin and the hair. Vitamin A also aids in sebum production, which acts like a moisturizer that keeps the scalp and hair healthy.

Keeps eyesight sharp

Another key importance of vitamin A loaded in mangoes is it helps support healthier eyes. One cup of mango is enough to meet 10% of the required daily vitamin A intake.

Vitamin A is a component of protein rhodopsin present in the rod in the retina that allows us to see at night or in low-light conditions. Lack of vitamin A results in various issues, from minor ones like dry eyes, clouding and night blindness to more serious concerns, such as corneal scarring. 

Prevents heat stroke

Mangoes are also a fantastic alternative if you want to cool down on a hot day. Make a cold mango juice or blend it with water and honey. You’ll be surprised how it can be instantly refreshing and effective in cooling down your body temperature. Drink the concoction, especially during the summer, to beat the heat the tasty way and avoid chances of getting a heating stroke.

Helps in weight loss

To supplement exercise in losing weight, you can add mangoes to your healthy diet. The fruit contains phytochemicals that aids in controlling appetite and body weight. As mangoes are also fiber-rich, eating them provides a feeling of fullness for a longer period, preventing you from munching unhealthy and fattening snacks. 

Alkalize the body

Rich with malic acid and tartaric acid, mangoes help in maintaining the body’s alkalinity. If your body is more than acidic, you get to reap many health benefits, such as reduced candida growth, better mental alertness and memory, healthier heart and tissues, plus fewer chances of being hit by muscle degeneration and chronic diseases.

Lowers blood pressure

Aside from fiber and beta carotene, mangoes also contain a good amount of magnesium and potassium. All those are deemed helpful in lowering blood pressures. Moreover, magnesium works great in relaxing the muscles and toning down stress levels. Meanwhile, potassium balances sodium by subduing the latter’s blood pressure-rising effect.


With those benefits, there’s no reason why we should not be eating more mangoes. They are tasty, luscious, and versatile, making them easier to add to our diet. Add it to salsa, serve it with other fruits, or make a smoothie – there are limitless options on how to enjoy the fruit and take advantage of all the healthy perks it offers!