Top 6 Meditation Tips

Meditation has been practiced in different parts of the world ever since time immemorial. Meditation styles might be different among cultures all over the world, but they all unite for the same belief that meditation is an essential window that leads to spiritual well-being, self-mastery, and self-discovery.

At some point in your life, you may have heard a lot about meditation but had no clue how to meditate, unless it was properly introduced to you by a yoga instructor or continuing education program. You will start off with guided sessions and after that, you can practice on your own. Once you get your hands into meditation, your life will never be the same again. It will be your foundation for energy and comfort during times when you feel as if your thoughts are overpowering you. Meditating on a daily basis will give you a clear head, allowing you to answer the questions you have pondered for how many years.

If you want to upgrade your overall wellness and practice meditation, below are top 6 tips that will help you get started.

1. Know your intention

Determining your intention means that you need to have a clear plan on what results you want to achieve during your meditation practice. It is the main reason why you choose to meditate. Individuals meditate for various reasons, including the need to answer particular questions, improve creative mind, or familiarize with themselves. You can also practice meditation to ease your mind, especially if you notice that you are restless and in need of inner peace. Planning your intention is very essential in meditation since when you mind travels during a meditation session, it is your intention that will anchor you back to the reality and present moment.

2. Choose a conducive space

before you start your meditation session, you need to have a comfortable place first. Make sure that your meditation area is extremely clean since the cleanliness of your surroundings play a vital role in mental health. You should also take note of the smell around the area. You can utilize some essential oils or burn some incense with scented chips to surround the space with good aroma. Meditating with scent will bring you intense level of tranquility and peace, as well as improve your concentration.

3. Get cozy

meditation requires you to be still and pay attention to your thoughts. In order to do this, you have to be in a very cozy position to get all the helpful benefits of meditation. You can sit on a yoga block if your session is only for a few minutes. For longer sessions, it is best to sit on a pillow or cushion to prevent bum and back pain. You can also lay down or sit by a wall, if sitting up is uncomfortable for you.

4. Remain still

The foundation of meditation is stillness. Being still allows you to transcend all external stimulus and direct your focus within yourself. If you are a beginner, sitting still might be difficult for you at first, but with regular practice, you will soon improve. With daily meditation session, you will find calmness during stormy moments and become less reactive to negative situations. Once you achieve physical stillness, you will have inner peace.

5. Control your breath

having great control and mindfulness of the breath during a meditation session is one of the best ways to immerse the mind, back to reality when it travels during your session. Being mindful of your breath allows you to be aware of the present – where real happiness dwells. According to Buddha, directing your attention to your breath is an essential meditation technique. He also said that being aware of the whole body, the yogi breathes in; being aware of the whole body, the yogi breathes out. This being said, make breathing meaningful and don’t let any moments pass by without doing it.

6. Select a focal point 

the key to a successful meditation session is having a drishti, which is the focal point. There are people who like to keep their eyes shut when meditating while some prefer to maintain their eyes focused on a particular object, while softy gazing at it. In order to maintain your focal point, you need to reduce your eye movement, since wandering eyes can lead to restless mind. When you have a focal point during your practice, it will help you focus your entire senses and being to the present moment, which improves meditation practice. If you like to keep your focus on an object, make sure that it’s immovable. You can gaze on a candle flame or your nose tip, which is one great way to achieve focus. Take note that if you are not sure about the safety of your meditation space, opening your eyes during session is highly-suggested.