The Yogi’s Playlist: The Best Music For Yoga and Total Empowerment

Looking to improve your yoga flows with the addition of music? Learn all about the best music for yoga in this blog and heighten your senses even further.

Music can be very effective for putting you in whatever state of mind you desire. This is why having playlists for different types of workouts is important. When it comes to yoga, there are types of music that most studios tend to play during sessions. 

But a yogi’s experience is extremely personal so what moves you might not be the conventional music found in studios. For instance, you may find that rock music is what inspires and energizes you. So when creating a playlist for your yoga practice it is important to use music that inspires 

Is your yoga practice feeling a bit stale? Then read on for some of the best music for yoga to add to your playlist to transform your practice. 

Planning Your Playlist 

When creating your yoga playlist think about your progression of postures and how long each segment will be. Choose powerful songs to help you power through the harder moves and softer songs to help you relax and stretch. For meditation sessions, most people prefer quiet, contemplative music. 

Your yoga practice is also affected by your energy levels and mood. On some days you may be full of joy and energy and your practice will have strong energetic moves. On other days you may be extremely tired and you may need a relaxing session. So, you should create a soft playlist for a relaxing yoga session and an energetic playlist for when you want to inject power and strength into your yoga practice. 

Another consideration you should have when creating your yoga playlist is to choose positive, mindful songs. A breakup song at the wrong time could mess up your vibe and leave you feeling inexplicably sad after a workout. Other songs may have derogatory terms or heavy language that may lower your vibrations. Try and choose music that was created to increase positive vibes. 

For spiritually minded yogi’s, it is a great idea to add spiritual songs to your playlist. There is a wide selection of songs from almost any religion in the world. Adding songs from your religious background will help to ground your practice. 

Below are some great songs that you can add to your playlist. 

1. Gentle With Myself By Karen Drucker 

Karen Drucker is a positive songstress and most of her songs are very uplifting. “Gentle with myself” is a track from her Songs Of The Spirit III album. It reminds us to slow down and take care of ourselves. It’s a great song to start a yoga session as it sets the tone to release judgment and dedicate a few minutes to our self-care. 

2. Sunrise by Norah Jones 

Norah Jones has a soothing voice that perfectly complements the practice of yoga. “Sunrise” is one of her more positive songs and is perfect to start a morning yoga session. Adding this song to your playlist will set a great mood not just for your yoga session but for your whole day. 

3. High Tide or Low Tide By Bob Marley and the Wailers 

Reggae music beats are great for yoga. Most songs in this genre have cool beats that make us think of relaxing on a beach. Reggae songs also tend to have upbeat lyrics that call on us to calm ourselves which most yogis will align with.

“High Tide or Low Tide” is a great addition to your playlist as it has a message of friendship, loyalty, and devotion. Its energetic beats will also help you glide through your poses. 

4. Orinoco Flow By Enya 

Enya is the queen of new age music and her songs seem to have been made for yoga. “Orinoco flow” is a great song to play in the main part of your yoga practice because it is very energetic and upbeat. The lyrics encourage you to sail away so you and your class will find yourself sailing powerfully through the harder yoga postures. 

5. Diamonds in the Sun By Girish 

There shouldn’t be a yoga music playlist that doesn’t have a Girish song. He is a yogi musician that aims to transform lives through the mantras he uses in his songs.

“Diamonds in the sun” is one of his most popular songs and for good reason. It has the chant “lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu” which calls for all beings everywhere to be happy and free and for our thoughts to contribute to the happiness and freedom of all. There can be no better message to end a yoga session with. 

6. True Colors By Cyndi Lauper 

“True colors” is an old classic that can be counted on to create a contemplative but positive atmosphere. This is due to its quiet guitar beats, meaningful lyrics, and Cyndi Lauper’s soothing and unique voice. Place this song at the end of your class when everyone is relaxing─ it will be hard for everyone not to sing along. 

Create Your Music For Yoga 

If you are having a hard time finding the right music for yoga, meditation, and other joys, then it is a sign to create your own free music for yoga. With modern technology, creating your own music is easier than ever.

Apple has a cool app called Garageband which is basically like a music studio on your computer. You can find a Garageband tutorial online that will help get you on the path to making your transformational music.

Improve Your Yoga Practice With Music 

The right kind of music can transform your yoga practice, making it easier for you to complete all the poses. Listening to music you enjoy while practicing yoga will make you want to do more and more workouts.

The right playlist can help you focus on the present and your moves versus worrisome or negative thoughts. Use the songs in our list or any other songs that inspire you to create your own inspirational playlist of music for yoga and meditation.

We talk about more ways to start and improve your yoga and other fitness practices. Check out more articles on our blog!