Most common mental health challenges that students face

Students tended to undergo a lot of pressure in college, and most of them tend to suffer anxiety which is all too difficult in functionality. As a student you also may need to write a paper so that pass any writing task and requirements to the experts from ThesisGeek. Here are some of the most common health challenges that students face. With many people battling mental health issues, many patients and practitioners seek tms treatment near me for various treatment procedures that offer greater symptom relief.


Depression is a disorder that involves long feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and loss of particular interests in activities. People with depression can also have sleep disturbances, mood swings, body pains, appetite changes, and headaches that apparently appear to have no physical cause. The symptoms tend to differ from one person to the next, and it is a result of a chemical imbalance that is in our brains.


Every individual has got some experience with anxiety. However, ongoing and mounting feelings of tension, panic, and worry can always interfere with daily life occurrences. When your daily life gets disrupted, then anxiety at most times may have crossed the line to graduated to a medical condition. At least 61% of respondents said anxiety is a mental health issue that affects most students. The symptoms can be mistaken for stress, or some may write it of us waiting too much. Several people have different manifestations of the symptoms, s, whatever affects you might not be the same to your friend. Some of the symptoms include fearfulness, headaches, frequent diarrhea or stomach upsets, and sweating and dizziness. They may also experience eligibility and feelings of apprehension and stress.


Suicidal ideations are a prevalent button that entails thinking or planning off you are undead using your own hands. Highly suicidal thoughts are considered a mental health crisis, and at least 20% of students in College in the United States have reported suicidal ideations by 2018. Most student starts to experience dealt and frustrations, but the thoughts gain high-level momentum which takes the students to someplace that they consider taking their own lives.

Eating disorders

Eating disorders tend to cover an array of conditions marked by some major irregularities in the eating habits of a person and as stiff preoccupation with the shape and image of 1’s body. Disorders tend to Involve binge eating and food deprivation which can be followed closely by purging. At least 20% of female students in college have an eating disorder, and the rate increases day by day. The symptoms of eating disorders vary from one person to the next and may also depend on their state of the brain of the person having the disorder. They may have irregular heartbeats, dehydration, or distorted body image.


Students in college frequently utilize recreational drugs and alcohol, which can lead to more problems. Addiction is simply the psychological or physical dependence on substances which include strong cravings or indulgence in a particular substance abuse despite knowing their harms and risks involved. Alcohol is at the top of at least 1500 deaths that occur annually in college institutions. College students have also been known to abuse some drugs like ecstasy, marijuana, cocaine, or prescription painkillers. Several students who participate in drug use alcohol abuse while in college failed to develop an addiction. They can, however, feel the side effects of prolonged use or withdrawal of these substances, which may include bloodshot eyes or impaired coordination.