Everything You Must Know About Lasik Eye Treatment

Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis or LASIK is a common eye surgery performed for correcting vision problems. People who want to get rid of their eyeglasses and contact lenses often prefer to go for this procedure.

A particular cutting laser type is used to modify your cornea’s shape to improve your vision during the procedure. If you have heard about LASIK eye treatment and want more information about it, here are the details you need to know.

What Vision Problems Can be Corrected With LASIK

A specialist like Personaly Eyes Laser Surgeons may prescribe you a LASIK surgery if you have any of the following vision problems:

Myopia or Near-sightedness: This is a condition in which objects kept at a distance are blurry, but your near vision is clear and intact.

Hyperopia or Farsightedness: In this condition, your near vision becomes blurry, but objects at a distance are clear.

Astigmatism: If you have astigmatism, you will not focus on distant and nearby objects.

The LASIK Eye Surgery Procedure

  • Before the Surgery: For a few weeks before the surgery, your surgeon may ask you to stop wearing contact lenses. Your surgeon may ask about your medical history and check if you have any eye inflammation, infection, large pupils, dry eyes, high eye pressure, and any such conditions. They will also evaluate the shape, size, thickness, contours, and irregularities in your cornea and plan the surgery accordingly.

  • During the Surgery: LASIK surgery takes around 30 minutes to complete. The surgeons place numbing drops in your eye and hold it open using an instrument. Then, they will place a suction ring on your eye, after which you may feel a little pressure and blurry vision. Finally, they use a cutting laser for cutting a flap away from your cornea and reshape it as required. Once the cornea is reshaped, the surgeon puts the cut flap back in place, which usually heals on its own without any stitches.

  • After the Surgery: You will feel some itching, grittiness, and burning in your eyes immediately after the surgery. Your vision will be blurry, and you’ll also feel a little pain in your eyes. However, the vision restores within some time, and pain can be managed with painkillers.

Don’t skip the follow-up appointments after the surgery, as the surgeon would want to see how your eyes are healing, and if there are any complications. You will be asked to avoid using eye cosmetics, getting into a hot tub, or resuming strenuous contact sports or swimming activities for a few weeks immediately after the surgery.


LASIK treatment improves your vision without any hassle of eyeglasses and contact lenses. You can achieve 20/25 vision or even better after this procedure. However, the results that you achieve largely depends on your wound healing and otherwise overall health condition.

Talk to the specialised Personal Eyes Laser Surgeons if your vision goes back to what it was before the surgery, as it may be due to hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, or other vision problems like cataracts.