Interesting facts about Oceanic fruits

Native Raspberry is one of Oceania’s native fruits, cultivated mainly in the continent. This grows on bushes that bears tasty, sweet, red berries harvested from June to October. They are typically found nearby rivers and pathways in sunny regions. It may either be eaten raw or used to produce sauces and jams; its leaves can also be used to produce a tea that is supposed to aid with digestive problems. Native raspberries are typically smaller than other varieties of berries. These are not as plump and seedless compared to their different kinds. 

Another fruit from the continent is called “Quandong”, a petite Australian fruit that is frequently compared to a combination of peaches and apricots because of its vivid red color and somewhat sour flavor. The fruit’s seeds may be roasted or pressed for oil and has an almond-like taste.

Next is the homegrown fruit of the Malay Archipelago and New Guinea, which is called the “breadfruit”. The outside layer of the fruit is warty and with a pale green tint. The cream-colored flesh inside softens when it is fully ripe. The fruit is frequently used cooked in Asian curries because, when unripe, it may be prepared similarly to potatoes and has a similar flavor. Breadfruits that have reached peak ripeness have a sweet taste and are frequently used in desserts or sliced into pieces and sun-dried to preserve them.

Lilly Pilly, is a native of Australia – an evergreen plant with thick, glossy leaves. It is cultivated as an attractive tree for its fruit called “Lilly pilly” or “riberry”. The fruit can vary in size and color due to the plant’s more than fifty different types, but it is normally round or pear-shaped and can range in shade from magenta to light pink. The fruit may be eaten straight from the tree and has a solid texture and flavor similar to apples and pears. It can also be readily added to other sweets and transformed into jellies and sauces. Fresh varieties are offered from December to February, but frozen options are accessible all year round.

Among Oceania’s native fruits are the following varieties of apples:

1. Braeburn: This kind has red and yellow skin. It has flesh that has a spicy-sweet flavor with undertones of nutmeg and cinnamon. 


2. Granny Smith: Today, these apples are among the most popular variety in the world. They are distinguished by their green skin, faint pink blush, dazzling white flesh, and firm texture. Granny Smith apples were first commercially farmed in New South Wales in 1895. The taste is best characterized as sharp with a powerful acidity that tastes like lemons. 


3. Pacific Rose: A premium dessert apple is a variety from New Zealand. It is recognized by its rosy-red exterior color and energizing, distinctive, crisp, and sweet flavor. 

4. Gala: A type of apple identified by its reddish-yellow color and firm, crisp, yellow interior. Gala apples are typically round in shape. They have a slightly sweet flavor with vanilla undertones and a floral scent. These apples were found in New Zealand in 1934.

Most of these fruits were originally uprooted in Australia, New Guinea and New Zealand, which encompasses the continent of Oceania together with other countries like Palau, Guam, Fiji, and a lot more. Oceania is often warm and humid all year round. Although there is no distinct winter or summer, there are slight changes in the ocean currents, winds, and rainfall in several locations.

Despite its wealth in a variety of fruits that is known worldwide, the continent lacks sufficient land for cultivation in many areas. It limits the continent’s agricultural capabilities since smaller island natives use traditional farming and fishing. Some villagers or islanders that own a piece of land rent it out to crop growers and farmers to aid in producing certain types of fruits to solve this problem.


Most of the regions in Oceania has a dry climate throughout the years. In addition, the scarcity of land to grow its fruits had also been a challenge for the natives of the continent. However, its people strived to find a modern solution to the problem in order to continue producing high-quality crops across the country. Oceanic fruits thrived on being recognized worldwide as an essential part of the continent’s cuisine.