What Yoga Practices Can You Learn in Kansas City?

Yoga is the art and science of the mind, body, and spirit practiced around the world for thousands of years.  It has many young devotees in the Kansas City metro. According to a survey, the number of Americans doing yoga has increased by 50% in the period 2012 to 2016, and today, millions of Americans have embraced yoga for optimal physical and mental health.

Yoga is a modern practice defined as joining dynamic breath with postures and awareness.  Kansas City, which has a population of more than 491,918 people, has several yoga institutes and classes spread across the city. Here are some of the different yoga practices you can learn in Kansas City. 

Chair Yoga 

At any best yoga studio in Kansas City, the chair yoga is a modified version of Hatha Yoga for the elderly and people with health implications.  The movements can bring exercise into your daily routines and improve circulation. It is beneficial for people who travel on long flights or sit at their desks for long periods. 

The chair yoga provides several health benefits to the body like relieving cramps and stiffness, improving flexibility, and creating a happy mental state. 

Gentle Yoga

It is a variation of the hatha yoga tradition. Gentle yoga was created to ensure yoga’s accessibility to all types of students and to support their physical, mental, and spiritual needs.  The Gentle Yoga offers therapeutic modification to common yoga poses. 

A few child psychologists in Kansas are using a combination of yoga and mindfulness in their psychological work with children aged 5 to 17 years.  The new experiment of yoga has led to transformative effects. 

Back Care Basics

Yoga is a mind-body therapy that is highly recommended to treat back pain and the stress that accompanies it. Several yoga poses can relax and strengthen your body. Several yoga studios in Kansas specifically enroll people troubled by back pain. The yoga class helps to strengthen their backs and align their backs from the base of the head to their tailbone. 

Superhero Yoga

The superhero yoga classes are targeted towards smaller children in Kansas City. Many yoga studios offer superhero yoga classes that add movements to a lesson as a part of your kid’s day. Most children love superheroes and have their favorite ones. The superhero yoga classes are simple, fun, and useful. 

Yoga for Flexibility and Strength 

A yoga studio in Kansas City teaches yoga exercises that are directed to increase strength targets- major muscle groups with a challenging routine. The steady pace of the yoga routine gets your heart rate up and has you moving and sweating. Some moves are specifically targeted at strengthening large muscle groups. 

These studios are intended to increase flexibility and have a wide range of styles and class lengths. The classes generally include gentle and deep relaxing stretches. The yoga classes also include opportunities for relaxation and meditation that provide additional health benefits.