Putting Together a Natural Skincare Routine

We’ve all been there before: looking in the mirror only to be confronted by dry and dull skin that’s begging for a little TLC. While many people opt for expensive moisturizers and creams, there are plenty of natural alternatives that can help you transform your skin. Natural skincare products are a great way to provide your skin with the nutrients it needs, without causing unnecessary dryness or irritation. 

These products are made with ingredients that come directly from nature such as plants and minerals. They do not contain harsh chemicals, preservatives, or toxins that can damage your skin. Natural skincare products are usually free from artificial fragrances and flavors, which can damage skin’s natural barrier, causing irritation or allergic reactions. 

They provide nourishment with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to reduce inflammation, speed up healing, soothe irritated skin, and keep it looking healthy and youthful. If you also want to reap the benefits of natural skincare, it’s important to establish a regular skincare routine and use products that are suitable for your skin type. 

A good skincare routine should include cleansing, toning, moisturizing, exfoliating, and face masks. The order and frequency of these steps vary depending on your skin type and long-term objectives. That’s why it’s so important to determine your skin type before starting a routine. Being consistent is also important for achieving healthy skin. 

Knowing why natural skin care is important, how to determine your skin type and what ingredients to look for can help you put together a skincare routine that is right for you. In this article, we will cover the basics of putting together a natural skincare routine to help you get a healthy and glowing skin you’ve been longing for.

Determine Your Skin Type 

The first step in putting together a natural skincare routine is determining your skin type. There are four main types of skin: normal, oily, combination and dry. 

  • Normal skin tends to be clear and balanced with no visible signs of oiliness or dryness. 
  • Oily skin is often shiny with enlarged pores and blemishes. 
  • Combination skin is characterized by areas of both oiliness and dryness on the face. 
  • Dry skin tends to be dull with flaky patches of rough texture. 

There are some simple steps you can take to determine which skin type you have. Start by washing your face with warm water (avoid hot water as this can strip the natural oils from your face). Pat the area dry and wait one to two hours without applying any product to the skin. Look closely at your face and pay attention to how it looks and feels. Examine the texture and appearance of your face. Does it feel tight? Is it shiny? Are there any blemishes present? These signs will help identify what type of skin you have.

Oily skin is usually associated with enlarged pores and may have a shiny complexion. Dry skin is usually associated with flakiness, tightness and can be prone to red patches. Combination skin will show both oily and dry areas on the same face, usually the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin). Normal skin does not have any visible issues such as oiliness or dryness.

You can also visit a dermatologist or aesthetician to help determine your skin type. They can give you an accurate assessment based on their professional expertise.

Establishing a Natural Skincare Routine 

Once you’ve identified your skin type, the next step is putting together a natural skincare routine that is tailored specifically to your needs. This will likely involve some trial and error as not every product works for every person. Here are the key steps involved in creating a natural skincare routine: 


Cleansing is the first step in any skincare routine as it helps remove dirt, makeup and other impurities from the skin’s surface. 

It’s important to choose a cleanser that is suited for your specific skin type. For example if you have oily or acne-prone skin, then look for a cleanser with salicylic acid which can help control sebum production and remove excess dirt from pores. And if you have dry or sensitive skin, then use gentle cleansers like those containing aloe vera which won’t strip away moisture from the face, and will still effectively cleanse the area. 

When selecting a cleanser, look for natural ingredients that are suitable for your skin type such as aloe vera, tea tree oil or honey. It’s important to avoid harsh cleansers that contain alcohol or other harsh chemicals, which can strip away the natural oils in your skin.


A toner is an important part of any natural skincare routine as it helps restore the pH level of your skin. It also helps remove any remaining traces of dirt or makeup that may have been left behind after cleansing. This helps prepare it for moisturizing and ensure that all product layers interact well with each other throughout application. Toning also helps reduce excess shine as well as refining pore size, especially if you have oily or combination skin.  

When choosing a toner, opt for the ones that contain natural ingredients like witch hazel, rosehip oil, or green tea extract. They have anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the skin, reduce redness, and minimize pores without drying out the area.


Moisturizing helps keep the skin hydrated and supple. It helps protect the outer layers of our skins by providing hydration and strengthening its protective barrier. This helps protect our skins from environmental aggressors like pollution, which can damage its surface if left unprotected. A layer of moisturizer also prevents loss of moisture through evaporation so it’s essential for maintaining a healthy-looking skin. 

When choosing a moisturizer for your skin, go for the ones enriched with natural oils like jojoba or coconut, which will help hydrate without clogging up pores. Natural ingredients such as aloe vera or rosehip oil can also help provide lasting hydration.


Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells from the surface of your skin, allowing new cells to come up, giving you a fresh and radiant complexion. By removing any dirt or debris from the pores, exfoliation helps ensure better product penetration during application. 

When choosing an exfoliator look for ones enriched with natural ingredients such as honey, apricot, or oatmeal that provide a deep cleanse. You can also consider products enriched with fruit enzymes like papaya or pineapple, which are gentle on delicate skin but still provide a sloughing effect without abrasive scrubbing beads. Another tip would be switching between chemical exfoliators (like glycolic acid) and physical exfoliators (like sugar scrubs), depending on what type or strength exfoliation you need. 

Face Masks

Face masks can be used once or twice a week as an added step in your skincare routine. They are beneficial for treating specific concerns such as acne, dark spots or dullness. Plus, they’re also great at providing intense hydration and calming effects.

Look for masks with ingredients such as aloe vera, honey, or kaolin clay, which can help to draw out impurities, unclog pores, and nourish your skin, all at the same time. Take a look at the ingredients list and avoid anything containing parabens and petrolatum. Instead, opt for ones enriched with natural ingredients offering various benefits depending on what issue you’d like to address. Try switching between mud masks and hydrating masks based on whether you need more detoxification or nourishment. 

Natural Ingredients To Look For 

Using natural ingredients in your skincare products is beneficial for both your overall health and your skin’s health. Natural ingredients have anti-inflammatory properties which can help soothe irritated areas of your skin while also providing nourishment from vitamins and minerals.

Here are some natural ingredients you should look out for: 

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains antibodies, which help protect against environmental factors like sunburns. It also provides calming effects and helps reduce redness with its anti-inflammatory properties. What’s more? Aloe vera acts as an effective moisturizer whilst hydrating deeply without leaving any greasy residue behind. 

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help kill acne causing bacteria. It also contains anti-inflammatory compounds which reduce redness and irritation. The oil promotes cell regeneration and gently unclogs your pores for a radiant-looking appearance. 

3. Rosehip Oil

Rosehip oil has regenerative properties which help repair damaged cells and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It is also rich in antioxidants and fatty acids which help nourish dry skins while locking-in moisture. 

4. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel contains astringent compounds which help tighten pores and reduce oily secretions. It helps regulate sebum production and is also great at reducing any inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties.  

5. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains fatty acids and vitamins that help moisturize deeply whilst promoting healthy cell growth. It is a great moisturizer for all types of skins due its nourishing fats. It is also antibacterial so it helps clear blocked pores while providing moisture at the same time. Coconut oil is also non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog pores.  

6. Honey

Honey has antibacterial properties that help soothe irritated areas whilst protecting against environmental aggressors. It helps maintain hydration levels and accelerates cellular repair. Honey is another great ingredient for all types of skins due to its antibacterial properties. It helps fight acne while still being gentle enough not to irritate sensitive areas of the face around the eyes or lips.

7. Green Tea

Green tea contains antioxidants which fight against free radicals and prevent premature ageing. Its calming effects reduce puffiness while its rich vitamin content helps brighten complexion.

Did you know tea was originally used for detoxification and medicinal purposes? Find out more interesting facts about tea here

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Skin

Remember that your diet plays an important role in maintaining healthy looking skin. It’s essential to make sure you’re eating a balanced diet that contains all of the necessary vitamins and minerals required by your body for optimum health and wellbeing.

Staying hydrated throughout the day is also essential for keeping your body functioning properly. Try carrying around a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go so that you can stay hydrated throughout the day. 

Getting enough sleep is another way to take care of our bodies. Try getting between seven to nine hours of sleep each night as this will help reduce stress levels and give our body time to repair any damage caused by environmental pollutants during the day. 

Protecting your face from harsh UV rays with SPF products is also essential for a youthful, radiant skin. Look for sunscreens specifically formulated for facial use as they contain fewer chemicals than body sunscreens, but still provide adequate protection from harmful UV rays. 

Lastly, avoiding smoking cigarettes and excessive alcohol consumption helps preserve your health. Smoking and drinking cause damage not only to the inside, but also the outside, leading to premature ageing signs such as wrinkles and sagging skin textures. Try quitting or at least limiting both these activities as much as possible.


If you want healthy-looking radiant skin it’s essential that you establish a regular skincare routine using natural products suitable for your specific skin type. Natural products will benefit your overall health by protecting you against environmental pollutants while still providing nourishment through their natural content. They are great for keeping your facial area looking fresh and younger. 

Start by cleansing, toning, moisturizing, exfoliating and applying face masks when needed. Follow this up with maintaining healthy habits such as eating a balanced and nutritious diet, drinking enough water, getting adequate rest every night and staying away from harmful habits like smoking and drinking.