Does Consuming Prunes Help Constipation?

Constipation is always troublesome. It could happen to anyone, even young individuals. Although it is more common in elderly people it puts a halt to one’s everyday routine. In severe cases, it could become chronic that in reality is quite painful. Constipation occurs due to a variety of reasons. It could simply be due to water content being low in your body.

However, there is no need to worry. Doctors often recommend prunes to people who experience constipation. Furthermore, many studies have also associated prunes with relieving constipation. Since people tend to shift their focus towards home-based remedies first before seeking medical help, prunes tend to be one of the most effective ways to get rid of constipation. Therefore, in this article, we are going to cover how consuming prunes help constipation along with some other health benefits.

Prune Benefits

Often termed as ‘dried plums’, prunes tend to be really good for your body and overall health. The amount of fiber content found in prunes is bound to provide a laxative effect, which significantly helps relieve constipation. This makes it one of the most effective home-based remedies.

In addition to that, on the basis of several studies conducted, researchers were able to find out that prunes happen to contain sorbitol, which is basically sugar alcohol found in plants and fruits with cathartic, diuretic, and laxative properties. The purpose of sorbitol is to bring in water to the gut, which adds mass to the stool and helps with its movement until it finally exits. In addition to featuring sorbitol, prunes contain many other healthy nutrients as well, such as potassium, Iron, Boron, and phenolic compounds.

Potassium in prunes helps with maintaining healthy blood pressure. What this means is that the blood pressure never spikes instantly. Instead, if it were to increase and decrease, it would do slowly and gradually. Sudden spikes, whether they are associated with an increase or decrease are never good for the body. If the blood pressure were to fall rapidly, a person would lose consciousness and fall. At the same time, if it were to increase suddenly, it could result in a heart attack.

Sugars found in prunes are bound to soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is the type of fiber, which is dissolved with water. Therefore, the combination of both helps provide sufficient fibers to your digestive system along with helping you sustain energy. Phenolic compounds help prevent chronic diseases amongst which chronic constipation is a major aspect.

Whether you prefer eating prunes or drinking its juice, prunes will always be there to help you get rid of constipation regardless of its form or state. Apart from maintaining healthy blood pressure and reducing the risk of chronic diseases, prunes have a vital role to play in controlling diabetes, bacterial growth, and improving cardiovascular health.

How can prunes be used?

Prunes could be consumed in dried form or juice. If you were someone who is experiencing constipation, eat around 50g or 5 dried prunes daily. However, if you do not prefer eating them in their solid form, consider making juice. If you are an adult, drink somewhere around half to a full cup but make sure that you do not overdo it. If you think that stuffing yourself with more than the required amount will help relieve constipation, then you are wrong. Excess of everything is bad and the same principle applies here as well.

Dry Prunes

If compared with prune juice, dried plums or prunes happen to consist of twice the amount of sorbitol. Dried plums consist of nearly 14.7g of sorbitol per 100g serving. In addition to that, the intake of dried plums will provide more fiber to your digestive system, which shall help the stool pass through passages. Majority researchers are of the view that prunes should be consumed if a person is experiencing mild to moderate constipation.

Prune Juice

When it comes to the intake of prune juice, there isn’t any recommended intake or dosage but it surely does help with constipation. When compared to prunes in solid form, prune juice is effective in terms of relieving constipation but due to fiber content being comparatively more in dried prunes, the chances of eliminating constipation are better.

However, then again, the consumption of excess fiber will not help with bowel and stool movements. In fact, it will make the problem even worse. Furthermore, the intake of fibers will make you feel hydrated. If you are consuming meals or food items with high fiber content, it is necessary to keep yourself hydrated to help issues related to constipation.

Regardless of whether you are consuming dried plums or juice, prunes tend to be amongst the lowest-risk remedies as there are so major side effects. It sends a balanced amount of nutrients to your body, which it absorbs to keep your health optimum.

What is the best time to eat prunes?

For prunes to be effective, you need to consume them at an appropriate time. They could be consumed several times during the day but in moderate amounts. For instance, you can consume prunes during breakfast. Mix them in a smoothie and prepare yourself a healthy breakfast.

Furthermore, you could make prune jam, apply it to bread and consume them as healthy snacks. Lastly, you could make prune juice and consume it at lunch. However, remember not to consume it just before bedtime. You will need to move around a bit after consuming prunes, otherwise simply laying down will not help the constipation process.

Final Word

Concluding, by now it is a proven fact that prunes are a power-packed fruit. Its benefits are not only limited to reliving constipation but extend further. Considering the number of fibers present in them, your digestive system will need it to keep itself functioning normally and preventing chronic constipation. Make sure that you consume healthy meals during the process as well and keep yourself hydrated. Prunes will not be of significant help if you are still munching unhealthy meals.