Hot Hacks to Stay Cool When It’s Burning Outside

Hot seasons are merciless. For some people, it is amongst the most enjoyable seasons while for others it creates havoc. This is also the best time for people to get the killer tan they have been waiting for. However, constant exposure to the sun and that too direct could lead to serious damage to the body. When almost everything that you touch is burning outside, it might as well be better to stay inside.

Human bodies have a limit when it comes to absorbing heat and heat stroke or hyperthermia is not a joke. If things become serious, one could even die. In most Asian countries, the month of July could raise the temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius. While this is particularly harmful to children, adults should practice staying home for a while or follow the tips mentioned below to avoid experiencing a heat stroke.

Drink Lots of Water and Juices

The first most important tip to stay cool when it is burning outside is to drink lots of water and juices. Keeping yourself hydrated is key to avoid heatstroke. Sweating is a natural process carried out by your body to cool itself down. However, as you sweat, your body loses essential minerals as well, particularly salts. Furthermore, your body requires liquid to sweat. If the water content inside your body is low, the body will find it hard to keep itself cool. In such a situation, you will be more vulnerable to heatstroke.

Even though you should avoid unnecessary outings during the season but if you intend to make the most of it, make sure that you carry a bottle of water or fresh juice to give your body the boost it requires. Energy drinks work as well but it is recommended that you intake fresh juice of fruits and vegetables so that the body receives essential vitamins and nutrients. Lastly, keep your hands away from coffee and tea. Such things have a dehydrating effect and will cause you to lose water rapidly,

Avoid the Sun

During the hottest months, the sun will be directly above your head and shining as bright as it could between 11 am to 2 pm. The timings could vary for different countries but it remains more or less the same. This is the time when you should be avoiding the sun, as it will be at its peak. Therefore, try your best to limit your exposure during this time. If you do need to go out, wear sunscreen, and dress appropriately. Avoid wearing skintight jeans and shirts that block the air, rather go for something that allows the air to pass through. Make yourself some lemonade and carry it along. Make sure to add some salt so that your body remains protected as much as possible.

Dress Carefully

As already mentioned, you need to give up your fashion statements during the summer seasons, which would normally consist of unbreathable clothing items. Wear clothes that allow your body to breathe and keep it cool at the same time. Wear a hat that is less fashionable and more practical to help avoid constant and direct exposure to the sun. In addition to that, wear sunglasses as well that would protect you from UV rays. Lastly, it is a well-known fact that a body tends to release heat from two sources, the head and feet. Therefore, wear something on your feet that allows heat to exit instead of making them sweaty.

Listen to your body

Extreme heat poses all sorts of risks to your body. Perhaps the best way to avoid serious damage is to listen to your body. If you are feeling dizzy, experiencing a headache or fast pulse, you might want to give it due attention. These are primary signs of heat exhaustion, which means you should be avoiding the sun at all costs. If you choose to ignore it, it could lead to a heat stroke, which in most cases directly attacks the brain. Furthermore, if you observe someone else experiencing the same symptoms, move them out of the sun and to a cool place. Get them to relax and provide sufficient fluids to help cool the body down. It is often that people tend to ignore the signs and symptoms and only choose to act when things become serious. Therefore, do not play around with the symptoms and listen to your body.

Proper Ventilation

Your living area, which could be a house or an apartment, needs to have proper ventilation. Open the windows to allow fresh air to enter and the heat inside to escape. Refrigerators tend to produce heat and contribute to the amount existing inside. If the living area is directly exposed to the sun, make sure that you have curtains blinds or shutters in place. If possible, pack your refrigerator with essential items and medical supplies, so that you do not have to leave the house regularly for food supplies.

Change Your Diet

Not many people know this but eating heavy meals forces your body to produce comparatively more heat. Regardless of the type of food being consumed, metabolic heat is required by the body to break down the food into smaller portions. Therefore, if you were to consume smaller and lighter meals, your body shall produce relatively less heat. Furthermore, vegetables such as cucumber, lettuce, and celery feature high water content that will help keep your body hydrated. Avoid consuming meat, which requires additional energy for the body to break it down, resulting in the production of more heat.

Eat a Popsicle

Eating a Popsicle was probably the most enjoyable thing during childhood. However, nothing has changed, during the summer season, eating a Popsicle will help you cool down and keep heatstroke at bay. Popsicles are easily available at local stores and you could grab yourself some watermelon popsicles. Try to get your hands on popsicles that are made using organic fruits and vegetables and as less artificial ingredients as possible.

Cool Down the ‘Hot Zones’

Your pressure points are key when it comes to releasing heat. Elbow bends, wrists, ankles, neck, and temples are some of the areas where you could apply iced water or rinse with water every now and then to help you cool down instantly. The point is to allow your body to breathe and exterminate heat at the same time. Moreover, take out time for 5-10 minute showers to bring down the temperature and keep things normal.

Final Word

Concluding, hot weather may be nice for some people but you would not want to harm yourself during the process. Drink water along with fresh juices and consume lighter and hydrating food items. When it is time to go out, make sure you are wearing breathable clothes and carrying sufficient liquid supply. Remember, that the body experiences tremendous pressure from heat during hot months. It needs to be kept hydrated for it to function normally. Otherwise, things could become serious if you happen to be careless.