Healthy Ways To Boost Your Testosterone

Little by little, symptoms come out like sprouting mushrooms. Thinning hair or receding hairline, reduced sex drive, sleep disturbances, among others, slowly become a commonplace.

Your first instinct is to look for the culprit by the process of elimination of your recent activities. But if after all the effort, you are still as clueless as you were before, perhaps you should let a professional investigate. It could be your testosterone level that’s doing all this damage.

What Exactly is Testosterone?

Testosterone is the primary sex hormone of men and a type of anabolic steroid. It is very crucial in the development and formation of testes and the prostate in the male reproductive system.

It is also responsible for the prominent masculine features like the growth of body hair as well as larger bone and muscle mass.

However, contrary to popular belief that the testosterone hormone is exclusive to males, even females have it at some levels. That being the case, too much level of testosterone is the main reason why women develop excessive facial and body hair.

Adverse Effects of Low Testosterone Levels

Experts claim that low testosterone levels become prevalent as you age. It’s a biological truth that humans, particularly males, cannot escape. Additionally, as you get older, the tendency to gain weight is to be expected.

When you gain more weight, you may lose more testosterone in the process. This makes you lose energy and makes you more prone to sickness.

If you are showing signs of declining testosterone levels, it is recommended that you book an appointment with your family physician or a specialist right away. These signs include erectile dysfunction, reduced sex drive, hair loss, decreased bone mass, among others.

There are natural testosterone supplements that can help you with your levels – check this list by, for example. Having an adequate level of testosterone is vital for humans to function because of the following reasons:

What are the Natural Ways to Increase Your Testosterone Levels?

  • Doing Exercise

It has been proven based on a study that High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) increases total testosterone levels in older, previously sedentary males. The result was even maintained despite the reduction of the exercise time from 150 minutes per week down to 3-6 minutes per week.

However, not all exercise can have the same effect. Surprisingly, endurance exercises such as running and cycling for prolonged periods can have a negative impact on testosterone levels.

  • Consuming the Right Kinds of Food

Regardless of how healthy and beneficial a particular food is, everything has to be in moderation. This is especially crucial when you’re keeping tabs of your testosterone level as anything short or excessive would have a negative effect either way.

The food groups that should be present in your diet to ensure testosterone level optimization are carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carbohydrates, in particular, are especially beneficial during resistance training.

On the other hand, there have been significant studies that signify the benefits of good cholesterol and fats in testosterone levels and overall health.

  • Avoiding Stress

Stress has always been associated with hypogonadism or low testosterone levels due to high cortisol in the system. Besides the usual adverse effects of reduced testosterone mentioned above, high levels of cortisol have been linked with the loss of libido and infertility.

High cortisol level is also being blamed for stress that you experience. This, in turn, leads stress-eating, which can lead to several health issues, including high cholesterol, uncontrolled weight gain, and decreased energy.

So, to avoid having to deal with a low T level and its accompanying adverse effects, always try to live a stress-free life if you can. Doing yoga is another way of de-stressing and can increase men’s testosterone levels at the same time.

  • Taking Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are vital nutrients as they perform different essential functions for your health. These include guarding your body against illnesses and diseases, aiding in healing wounds and inflammation, repairing damaged cells, converting food into useful energy, etc.

One of the most important vitamins that have an impact on testosterone level is Vitamin D. This fat-soluble vitamin, as you all know, is produced in the skin whenever you are exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D3, in particular, has been linked to a significant increase in testosterone levels when taken in 3,333 IU daily for 12 months.

Other vitamins and minerals that can aid in keeping a normal testosterone level include vitamins A, B, C, E, and Zinc. So, if you feel you’re not getting enough of these from your food, consider taking supplements.

  • Yes to Sleep, No to Vices

Lastly, nothing beats maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Start with having a complete and quality sleep. The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has stated that sleep deprivation can drastically reduce the testosterone level of healthy young men.

It also goes without saying that all kinds of vices should be avoided at all costs. Alcohol, cigarette, and drug use not only have adverse effects on your overall health but on your testosterone level as well.

Parting Words

Overall, being contented and happy with your life is a perfect recipe for a healthy body and mind. Testosterone and emotions have a somewhat symbiotic relationship in a way that low testosterone levels can lead to sadness, irritability, insecurity, and depression.

On the other hand, when you are happy, you tend to make the right choices, especially when it comes to your health. This, ultimately, impacts your testosterone level and overall well-being positively. A healthy mind breeds a healthy body after all!