Why We Shouldn’t Skip Breakfast

Many of us have grown up hearing that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, as we grow older and our lives become more rushed, breakfast might have lost its importance in our lives. Instead of having eggs, toast, or hot cereal at the kitchen table, we might simply grab a granola bar or an unhealthy caffeinated beverage on our way to work. Some may also claim that they feel nauseous in the morning and can’t bear to have anything but lots of coffee to wake themselves up. The unhealthy factor of this habit is another topic for discussion, but we first need to understand why breakfast should not be skipped. Instead of not eating breakfast, there are low calorie breakfast ideas that you can consider to start a healthy lifestyle. 

Let’s take a look at just a few excellent reasons now: 

1. Developing Healthy Habits

While having breakfast is a healthy habit in itself, research shows that this also leads to other positive habits. For instance, regular breakfast eaters are less likely to suffer from obesity. They’re also less likely to develop many kinds of chronic diseases. This is why many experts would still say that having breakfast is something we should all do every single day. 

However, it’s worth mentioning that such studies are observational and not clinical. The people who eat breakfast might also have some other baits that increase their overall health. Sources also tell us that those who have breakfast will also probably eat more fiber, micronutrients, and generally have a healthier diet than other groups. 

Similar studies show that people who don’t have breakfast regularly( (which is around quarter of all Americans) have a tendency to consume more alcohol, smoke more cigarettes, and not exercise so much. All these could be reasons why breakfast eaters might be healthier than non-breakfast eaters. 

If we look at randomized controlled trials on this issue, they show that the act of eating breakfast might not directly mean a healthier body overall. However, this does mean that healthier habits include eating breakfast. Getting enough fuel to exercise and stay active throughout the day is likely to lead to a better state of physical health, and having breakfast is an important part of getting that fuel. 

2. Maintaining the Rhythm

It’s also said that skipping breakfast in the morning might throw off the body’s eating and fasting rhythm. When a person wakes up, their body usually requires some form of blood sugar so that the brain and muscle starts working in their best form. With breakfast, we can replenish the blood sugar levels and start our day on a high note. 

If we skip breakfast, the body wouldn’t be able to get that much-needed fuel. The result might mean an energy drag for most of the day. When you do finally get some food, you’re more likely to consume more, resulting in the intake of excessive calories. You might even overeat to the  point of developing digestive problems. In fact, a large meal in the middle of the day makes people sluggish, sleepy, and low in productivity. 

3. Getting Important Nutrients

Eating breakfast allows a person to get in some essential vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that they might otherwise  not take in. Many people won’t consider drinking milk or having grain-based cereal for any meal other than breakfast. We might also be too rushed to be careful about what goes in our body, so taking time for breakfast is even more essential. 

If someone doesn’t consume breakfast regularly, they might be missing out on a lot of healthy food items and food groups. Once we understand this issue, we should take steps to ensure that a healthy, wholesome breakfast is part of the day from now on. 

4. Controlling Weight

Research also shows us that those who have breakfast regularly are usually thinner than breakfast skippers. This doesn’t really mean that the meal itself makes you slimmer, but that you’re eating the right kind of protein-based foods as well as the necessary fiber. These choices help to keep us feeling full for a longer time, suppressing our appetite and cravings for the major part of the day. 

Having  breakfast might not directly help you lose weight, but it’s also not recommended to skip this meal if you’re on a diet. According to several studies, people who eat breakfast daily usually lose weight and manage to keep it off as well. This is probably because they get the majority of their calories in the beginning of the day and then manage to burn them off. If they do skip or pare down a meal, it’s usually lunch instead of breakfast. 

5. Paying Attention to Breakfast

There’s also been research into the manner of breakfast we have. If we’re used to having a very large breakfast, at least one study suggests that this makes us more likely to consume more food afterward as well. This could be because of the blood sugar spikes that result in hunger and cravings. 

It’s evident that breakfast has to be a well thought-out and balanced meal just like any other. During the work week, make it easy for yourself and go with a green smoothie and a piece of wholegrain toast. When you have time, plan your breakfast and treat yourself to some yogurt, oatmeal, fresh fruits, and other interesting ideas to start the day. 

6. The Importance of Breakfast for Kids

Having kids in the house usually means that mornings are really rushed. You have shoes and clothes to locate, school buses to catch, and several other priorities on your to-do list. With all this happening at once, skipping breakfast might seem like the easiest way to buy some time. However, it’s especially important that children get a fulfilling breakfast before they leave for school or start a day full of playing. 

Kids have growing bodies, which need plenty of nutrients and vitamins to stay healthy. Some sources also say that if children don’t eat in the morning, they have trouble focusing at school and tire more easily than their peers. They might also be crankier, which means both their schoolwork and social life will suffer. 

Just like adults, skipping breakfast or not having the right kind of breakfast foods will also result in kids eating more junk food afterwards. This will lead to excessive weight gain. 

If your kid really feels unable to stomach a decent breakfast in the morning, give them a snack to have on the way to school. You can try nuts, fruits, half a sandwich–anything to tempt them once they wake up properly. If the act of chewing is problematic for some kids, see if a smoothie or shake will work instead.  In case someone in your family has certain dietary needs, look up some special diet-sensitive meal options for them. 


The importance of breakfast is evident when we look at the research as well as real life experiences. However, it’s also essential to understand that the type of breakfast we have really matters. Take a look at the health benefits of tomatoes and try to incorporate them with your eggs. If you don’t have enough time during the week, prep some ready-to-go breakfasts during the weekend. Once you get into the habit of healthy, homemade breakfast, you’ll hopefully feel a lot more energized during the day. Pretty soon, you might not even be able to do without downing at least a little breakfast to get going at the start of each day.