Top 10 Exercises for Couples

Most of the questions and problems are solved easier and faster if you are not taken for them alone but with a loved one. This also applies to fitness: doing it in pairs, you support and motivate each other and at the same time strengthen your relationship.

1. Squats with your back against each other

What to do: you should stand against each other, then turn around and make a lock with your hands. Then get ready to make one squat. Count to 3 and do it together at the same time. This will help you feel each other better, plus your legs will become stronger.

The number of repetitions: 3 sets of 10 squats.

2. Back Squats

What to do: stand face to face with your partner, take her hand, and take a step back. She has to follow you and do the same. After the two sets, you should switch places. This is not going to be easy, so good luck!

The number of repetitions: 2 sets of 10 squats for each leg.

3. Double push up

What to do:  get ready to become her support. Get down to the floor and get in a position for pushups. Your girlfriend has to do the same. She has to put her hands on your elbows, and her feet on your back. Make one push up; then she has to make hers. Then, all you need to do is to take turns till your sets are over.

The number of repetitions: 2 sets of 10 push-ups.

4. “Hi, I am not dead yet” push-ups

What to do: this one is very simple. All you need to do is to get in a position for pushups against each other. You have to do your pushups at the same time and then give your partner your hand to shake it as they welcome you. This one is very easy at the beginning but incredibly hard at the end. So save your energy for it.

The number of repetitions: 2 sets of 10 push-ups.

5. Twists

What to do: you must sit opposite each other, connect your legs, and begin to raise and lower your bodies, touching each other with your hands.

The number of repetitions: 2 sets of 10 twists.

6. Vertical twists

What to do: imagine that you are a pillar but a very stable one. Your girlfriend has to put her legs around your waist and lock them in a cross behind your back. She has to perform twists, and you must hold her during her exercises.

The number of repetitions: 2 sets of 10 twists.

7. Pull-ups

What to do: Feeling like a champion? Each champion deserves a reward. This is when our pull-ups come. Find a crossbar, stand with your girlfriend against each other, and put your hands on the crossbar. Your girlfriend has to put her legs around your waist and fix them the way she likes. Then you both have to make pull-ups. A kiss is a nice bonus that you get after each repetition.

The number of repetitions: 2 sets of 10 pull-ups.

8. Dancing together

What to do: if you are tided from your local gym, then this is the best option for you. Find a nice active dancing style that you both like and start to dance. Oh yes, it is simple as that! You have no idea how strongly dances can affect your life. If you are lonely, then go into your local dancing section, and soon, you will be able to get the girl you never could.

Number of repetitions: till you, both get tired or bored (change your dancing style in this case)

9. Moving hands with resistance

What to do: you must stay close to each other. Your girlfriend must get her hands along her legs. Your task is to put your hands on hers. Then she has to raise and lower her hands against your resistance. This will make your hands stronger. Plus, this will look funny.

The number of repetitions: 3 sets of 10 exercises.

10. Jogging together

What to do: overcome your laziness and get dressed for running. It is not even important to make a special running route. You can run around your neighborhood. Just make sure that your fitness bracelet is tracking the distance.

The number of repetitions: Every day.