Time to Strap on the Gloves Ladies – Is Boxing The Perfect Cardio Routine?

When you are trying to figure out what workout routine works best for you, you might run into a lot of different cardio options. But did you know that you don’t have to choose basic cardio workouts? You can use a fitness app on your favorite video game console or, you can go boxing.

There are a lot of fitness apps and games that you can follow along with from home. But if you are looking for something a little bit more instructive, boxing is the choice you are looking for. A lot of people don’t realize that boxing can be a good cardio workout, especially when considering options for women, but it is actually one of the best. Here are a few reasons why you should choose boxing for your cardio routine.

It will burn calories quickly.

What are you looking for in a cardio routine? You want to get fit and you want to burn off calories that you don’t want in your system. Boxing is a great way to accomplish both of those goals. If you are consistently doing the boxing routine for an hour, you can expect to lose up to 500 calories. If you have a trainer who is teaching you how to work a bag with proper 12oz gloves, you can lose even more (12oz can start to feel really heavy after a good workout). Just make sure not to push yourself too hard so that you don’t get tired as quickly.

You will feel a lot more confident.

While this might not directly relate to the idea of losing calories, it is very helpful for women. If you have ever felt down and powerless, choosing boxing as your cardio workout will help change that all around. You will not longer feel powerless and small when looking at others around you. You will see what you are truly capable of when you choose boxing over the other cardio workouts.

It’s fun!

A lot of cardio workouts make you feel the burn and realize that the burn is hitting exactly then and there. With boxing, you barely notice anything until you stop moving. Sometimes you might not even notice the burning until you get home later that day. When you get more into the routine of boxing, you won’t notice the soreness until you wake up the next day. It’s a lot of fun throwing punches without feeling pain. You are burning calories, having fun, and you won’t feel sore until the morning. What more could you want from a cardio routine?

You will become stronger.

You aren’t only working on your cardio and losing calories, you are becoming stronger. You are learning to focus all of your energy on one part of your body. You are learning how to take care of yourself in self-defense. You are putting strength and power behind those punches. Soon enough, you will be strong enough to take down anyone who tries to harm you, and you’ll lose calories along the way.

You are shaping your body the right way.

A lot of people when considering a cardio workout don’t think about how this will affect their bodies. You can choose basic running cardio, but that won’t shape your shoulders or your back in the same way that boxing will shape them. You are creating a form to throw punches with power, your body is going to react and form with you. You aren’t just doing a cardio workout anymore, you are doing a full upper body workout. You are moving your legs and your arms to the point that you are forming new muscles and shaping them properly. Any other routine would have your heart rate rise and fall and let weight lifting or push-ups form the muscle, but boxing does it all for you.

It helps you react to things quicker.

Another benefit of taking boxing over the other cardio workouts and routines, you will become faster. You aren’t running so you won’t be faster on your feet, but you will be faster in your mind. Boxing takes a lot of reflexes and you will increase your reflexes and your prediction ability when it comes to things flying at you. You will be able to calculate where a ball is going to land, you will be able to catch a falling plate faster, and you might even be a better parent if you take boxing and are a mother. Reflexes are very important in your everyday life, so you really can’t go wrong with this perk.

It helps put your mind at ease.

This is something we all have trouble with. We all work out for our own reasons, but boxing can benefit your mind just as much as your body. You have to force yourself to focus on the task that is right in front of you when you are boxing. You can’t find yourself zoning out like you would with other methods of cardio workouts. You have to be there in the moment or you are going to get knocked down to your feet before you even blink. This might not help when you get home at the end of the day, but at least for a few hours, you aren’t thinking about all of your worries and troubles.

But even if you are, boxing can help with that too.

A lot of us have anger and frustration when things aren’t going as we planned them to be. Boxing can be your anger outlet. You don’t have to hold in all of those emotions. You can take them out by punching and kicking in the ways that will help your body. You will burn off extra calories, shape, and tone your body, and you won’t be angry at the world anymore.

There are a lot of reasons why boxing is a good idea for women who want to choose the best cardio workout. If you are concerned or have any questions about boxing, you can go down to your local gym and ask any of the trainers. They will all agree that it is a good idea to take boxing. Especially if you are looking for any of the things that are on the list above.