The Sweet Italian Chili Pepper

The friggitello is singular, and friggitelli is plural. There are different types of pepper and one of which is the Friggitello Pepper or the sweet Italian chili pepper. It is a Capsicum annuum, or sweet Italian chili, pepper. Other names for it include Tuscan pepper, Sweet Italian pepper, and Golden Greek pepper. They are quite different from Italian pepperoncini, which are hot Italian chili peppers, and are sometimes referred to as “pepperoncini” in the United States. They may also go by the names Greek golden pepperoncini peppers or mild golden Salonika peppers in the US. The friggitello is occasionally pickled and sold in jars. It has a mild flavor with a touch of heat and bitterness. The friggitello is most frequently associated with Tuscany in Italy. Other parts of Europe and the United States frequently use the sweeter Greek variety.

The Cultivation of Sweet Italian Chili Pepper

The friggitello, like many other cultivars of Capsicum annum, is intolerant of frost and needs a warm environment with lots of sunlight. After the seeds have germination for 10 to 14 days, the plant will mature in 70 to 80 days. It prefers slightly fertile, well-drained soils, but too much fertilizer will cause the soil to produce fewer fruits. The plant needs to be staked if it is to be kept from toppling over from the weight of the fruits because it has the potential to produce a lot of fruit. When the fruits are 2.0-3.0 inches (5.0-7.5 centimeters) long, they should be picked. It is best to select mature fruits while they are still green because they will eventually turn red.

Description and Taste of Sweet Italian Chili Pepper

Averaging 5 to 12 centimeters in length, friggitello peppers have elongated, slender pods that are conical in shape and taper to a partially indented, rounded non-stem end. The skin, which is waxy and bears shallow folds and furrowing, matures from green to red. The flesh is crisp and light green underneath the thin skin, and a cavity in the middle is filled with round, flat, cream-colored seeds. Friggitello peppers are mildly bitter and subtly sweet when they are picked green. The pod gets even sweeter and milder in flavor as it gets older and matures into its scarlet red state.

Current Facts About  Sweet Italian Chili Pepper

A traditional Italian pepper known as a friggitello, or Capsicum annum is a member of the nightshade or Solanaceae family. Friggitello peppers, which are indigenous to southern Italy and can be harvested in both their immature green and mature red states, are also referred to as Sweet Italian peppers, Tuscan peppers, Italian peppers, and Fratelli. The sweet peppers are best known in Italy as frying pepper, sautéed in oil with tomatoes, garlic, and basil, and served as a side dish or as a topping for bruschetta. The young green pods are the most popular for culinary applications.

Applications of Sweet Italian Chili Pepper

Although friggitello peppers can be used both raw and cooked, including baking, roasting, and sautéing, their most well-known use in Italy is frying. When still fresh, the peppers can be added to green salads, combined with eggs, placed on top of pizzas, or cut into strips and served on small plates. You can also use it when cooking the alternative traditional spaghetti noodles and pasta. Additionally, friggitello peppers can be stuffed with ground beef, rice, cheese, and herbs, grilled on kebabs, cooked into compotes, roasted and layered into sandwiches, baked into casseroles, or diced and added to soups and stews. 

The peppers can be dried for prolonged use or pickled in white vinegar in addition to being cooked. Orzo, rice, cauliflower, oregano, parsley, basil, tomatoes, parmesan cheese, sausage, grilled meats, and balsamic vinegar go well with friggitello peppers. Fresh peppers can be kept in the fridge for up to two weeks if they are kept whole and unwashed.

Ethnic and Cultural Info of Sweet Italian Chili Pepper


For their sweet, crisp flesh and mild heat, friggitello peppers are frequently referred to as “the famous frying pepper of Naples.” Basil, tomatoes, and parmesan cheese are frequently served with sweet peppers in Italian restaurants along with fried garlic and light seasonings in olive oil. 

The Royal Horticultural Society of the United Kingdom awarded Friggitello peppers with the Award of Garden Merit in 2005, which was given to them outside of Italy. This distinction is given to plant varieties that exhibit superior growth characteristics for home gardening through meticulous testing and evaluation. A few of the qualities put to the test are color, production, availability, and pest- and disease resistance.

Geography and History of Sweet Italian Chili Pepper

The friggitello pepper, which originated in Central and South America, is a native of southeast Italy, between Naples and Rome. In the 15th and 16th centuries, Portuguese and Spanish explorers who had just returned from trips to the New World brought peppers to Europe. Since their creation, Friggitello peppers have gained enormous popularity throughout Italy and Europe and are widely available in backyard gardens and small-town markets. The peppers can also be purchased from specialty farms in the United States and through online seed catalogs for use in home gardens.

How Hot Are Sweet Italian Chili Peppers?

The hot peppers range in Scoville Heat Units from 100 to 500, which is considered to be quite mild. While the widely used jalapeño pepper typically has around 5,000 Scoville Heat Units, bell peppers have ZERO, making them roughly 50 times milder than jalapeño peppers. Jalapeño peppers are roughly 50 times hotter than sweet Italian chili peppers, to put it another way.

Substitutions for Sweet Italian Chili Pepper

If you can’t find or grow these sweet Italian chili peppers, think about the Banana Pepper or the Hungarian Wax Pepper, which are comparable in size, flavor, and heat. The mild, sweet flavor of the banana pepper makes it a favorite in a variety of dishes. It is frequently consumed on sandwiches, on pizza, in Greek salads, and/or stuffed with cheese and/or meat. They also give the salsa an interesting flavor and a little sweetness, while other peppers add the heat.

Although the Hungarian Wax Pepper is hotter, mole sauces and other traditional Latin dishes, soups, and salads are very popular because of the peppers’ sweet, hot flavor. They can be purchased fresh or pickled at markets or shops.

Culinary Uses For The Sweet Italian Chili Pepper

The friggitello has a complex flavor that is best enjoyed when eaten fresh, even though it is frequently pickled. It works well for popping, stuffing, and sautéing. It pairs well with fruits and works well as an ingredient in salads, compotes, and sandwiches. They are frequently served alongside kebabs like Skender kebab. The hue of pickled friggitelli can range from brilliant yellow to brilliant yellow-green. Color is occasionally added. Before serving, friggitelli that have been pickled are occasionally quickly rinsed in cold water to lessen the flavor-altering effects of the pickling brine.