The Do’s and Don’ts of Managing Knee Pain

Approximately twenty-five percent of the population deals with frequent knee pain. The most common types of knee pain are osteoarthritis and sports-related injuries.

No matter the cause of knee pain, those who experience it may have trouble exercising or standing for long periods. As a result, they may not have the ability to enjoy some of their favorite activities, and their quality of life is reduced.

If your knee pain is interrupting your daily life, it’s time to take action. This article will outline the do’s and don’t of managing knee pain so that you can get back to your active self!

Don’t Rest Too Much

When your knees hurt, the last thing you want to do is aggravate your injuries. However, too much rest can weaken your muscles, and it will worsen your pain in the long run.

Instead of avoiding exercise altogether, find some physical therapy exercises that you can do to strengthen the muscles surrounding your knee.

If you aren’t sure which motions will help, ask your doctor for low-impact exercise suggestions. Moreover, if you’re in North Babylon, New York, you can check out

Do Exercise

Cardio doesn’t have to be high-impact to enjoy the benefits. Some excellent choices include:

  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Water aerobics
  • Stationary cycling
  • Elliptical machines

You should also incorporate weight training and stretching into your exercise routine. All of these contribute to healthy knees by strengthening the supporting muscles.

Remember to avoid high-impact exercises that can cause further injury or jar your knees. These include:

  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Kickboxing
  • Lunges
  • Squats

These can worsen your pain, especially if you do them without the proper form.

Don’t Disregard the Importance of Your Weight

Overweight adults are more prone to knee or joint problems. If you are overweight, one of the best things you can do is lose weight.

You don’t have to achieve your goal weight to reap the benefits. Even by losing a few pounds, you will notice a difference.

Do Use Heat and Cold Therapy

After a knee injury, you should use a cold pack for a few days. This knee pain treatment helps numb the pain and reduce the swelling.

Leave it on your knee for fifteen to twenty minutes, at least three times a day. After a few days, you should alternate between cold and heat.

Don’t Be Embarrassed about Using a Walking Aid

Depending on your condition or the severity of your injuries, your doctor may recommend that you use a cane, crutch, or brace. If so, don’t be so ashamed that you avoid using it. These aids can keep you stable and take the stress off your knee.

Do RICE Therapy

Rest, ice, compression, and elevation are some of the ideal treatment options for knee pain. This is especially true if it results from minor injuries or flare-ups from arthritis.

Don’t Let Your Shoes Worsen Your Pain

Some shoes, such as high heels or flip-flops, can worsen knee pain. On the other hand, cushioned shoes reduce stress on your knees.

Sometimes doctors recommend special insoles that you can place inside any shoe.

Managing Knee Pain Effectively

If you suffer from knee pain, there may be times when you feel that your condition will never improve. Yet, these tips for managing knee pain can help you better your quality of life and return to your favorite activities!

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