Breathe Easier: Fiber May Ward off Asthma

Young woman treating asthma with inhaler

If you have asthma or know someone around you with this condition, you probably have an idea that it is not fully curable. Usually, the use of an inhaler and different medications is advised to the people who have asthma as an attempt to relieve their symptoms. However, besides medication and taking … Read more

Does Healthy Eating Cost More?

Food with high omega-3 content

Does having a healthy diet mean spending more money? Perhaps you’ve observed it as you shop – the nutrient-packed goodies can be painful for the wallet and can make you think that healthy living is beyond your family’s budget. But does healthy food really cost more? Harvard: Healthy diets do cost more … Read more

Fiber: The Key to a Healthy Heart

Diabetes monitor, Cholesterol diet and healthy food eating nutritional concept with clean fruits in nutritionist's heart dish and patient's blood sugar control record with diabetic measuring tool kit

Most of us understand the function of fiber in controlling problems like constipation. But the benefits of fiber do not limit to gut functions. Instead, a little fiber in your diet can do wonders for your overall health as well. And while it might sound like a lot, a bump in your … Read more

Fiber Report Card: We’re Failing

Fiber Report Card: We’re Failing

A sizable study recently showed just how little fiber Americans are eating…and just how bad that might be for us. Dr. Cheryl R. Clark of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School recently analyzed national-level consumption data from 1999-2010. In her report, published in the American Journal of Medicine, Dr. … Read more

Almonds: A Satiating Snack

a bunch of almonds

Almonds are the edible seeds from almond trees, namely Prunusdulcis. They are among the world’s most popular dry fruits. Almonds are native to the Middle East, dominantly Iran and surrounding countries, but they are widely cultivated in the United States. Many people consider almonds a nut, but they are seeds. The almonds … Read more

Can Kiwis Cure Depression?

fresh kiwis on a wooden plate

The human body requires an enhanced intake of fruits and vegetables for specific dietary nutrients such as essential fatty acids, minerals, amino acids, and vitamins. These are said to be associated with improved physiological and psychological well-being. The deficiency of crucial micronutrients might disturb the normal functioning of the body and manipulate … Read more

5 a Day Could Save Your Life

5 a Day Could Save Your Life

Hot on the tail of news showing that Americans are living longer but not necessarily better lives, comes a large study from Sweden linking fruit and vegetable intake with overall mortality. The study, published in the August edition of the Journal of Clinical Nutrition followed over 71,000 Swedish adults for a period … Read more

Plant Eaters Live Longer

Plant Eaters Live Longer

A vegetarian diet may be good for your longevity. Or so says a new study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. The study looked at over 70,000 Seventh-Day Adventists over a period of 6 years and found that vegetarians (who ate seafood, dairy, and eggs) had a 12% lower chance of … Read more

How Does Fiber Reduce Risk of Stroke?

Fiber-rich breakfast

For centuries, fiber has been considered an important substance found in fruits and vegetables. To begin with, our digestive system relies on fibers to keep it running normally and prevent problems such as constipation. Once consumed, the fibers help the gut with bowel and stool movements. However, amongst the many benefits, it … Read more

Apples Atop Dirty Dozen List

Apples Atop Dirty Dozen List

Apples top the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) ninth annual “Dirty Dozen” list of the top 12 fruits and vegetables that show the highest levels of pesticides for 2013. It is EWG’s recommendation, that when possible, you should avoid conventionally (non-organic) versions of the dirty dozen, instead purchasing and consuming their organic counterparts. … Read more

Foodborne Burden

Foodborne Burden

A recent report from the CDC analyzed the sources of foodborne illness in the US from 1998-2008. Cited as one of the most comprehensive analyses of attributing illness to food, the results of this report might surprise you – namely because of the role that fresh produce plays. The researcher found that … Read more

Understanding the Connection between Alcohol and Cancer

Alcohol and cancer

Alcoholic beverages like wines, beers, distilled spirits (liquor), malt liquor, and hard cider, contain ethanol (ethyl alcohol). Alcohol is the term used for the chemical substance ethanol. It is manufactured by the fermentation of starch (by yeast) and sugar. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, in the United … Read more

Organic: Good, Not Great

Organic: Good, Not Great

While there certainly remains a number of convincing arguments for buying organic produce – you may be surprised to learn they don’t have to do with nutrition. A review article to be published in the forthcoming issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine found that organic fruits and vegetables do not contain … Read more

Finally: a Fiber Report Card

Finally: a Fiber Report Card

Nutrition screeners are a great way to obtain a quick snapshot of the adequacy of a particular person’s nutrient or dietary intake. They can be used in many settings: for weight loss, education, as part of a larger nutrition assessment, or just for fun to figure out how you stack up to … Read more

Your Diet as a Productivity Pitfall

Your Diet as a Productivity Pitfall

“Study Finds Working at Work Improves Productivity” proclaims a 2007 headline from the Onion. Turns out so does eating well. A new study published in the Journal of Population Health Management analyzed data from nearly 20,000 American workers and found that the presence of even just one unhealthy behavior increased risk of … Read more

Food: Too Good to Waste

leftover food

Food is a basic necessity for everyone. From a small child to a grown-up adult, everybody requires nutrition to survive and function properly. Similarly, it is also true that humans never appreciate natural blessings like food. For a planet whose 11% population cannot afford to eat three times daily, we waste approximately … Read more