Guide to the Different Types of Vegetables

Different types of vegetables.

People absolutely love meaty delights. However, meat is not always a healthy choice for you. On the other hand, vegetables tend to provide more benefits with minimum to no harm to the human body. Those of you who are planning to move to a more healthy diet should learn all about the … Read more

The Nutritional Value of Shallots

A collection of shallots

Shallots might resemble a regular onion in appearance, but there are some definite differences between the two. The taste of shallots is usually described as being quite subtle and similar to a mixture of garlic and regular onions. Their shape is also more elongated, while their size is usually smaller than that … Read more

What are Scallions and Why Should We Eat Them?

A bunch of scallions

Scallions are a common ingredient in many cuisines. Several recipes of European, American, and even Asian origin may call for these long kinds of onions, though they might often be substituted with green onions or spring onions. There’s not much difference between these three onion types; all of them have leaves and … Read more