Greger’s 5:1 Fiber Ratio Rule

Greger’s 5:1 Fiber Ratio Rule

Check out the daily videos published by Michael Greger, MD of Dr. Greger’s entertaining video snippets do an outstanding job of summarizing the vast amount of published nutrition research, delving into what the studies really say (and don’t say) – and saving you a boatload of time by not having to … Read more

Fiber: The Key to a Healthy Heart

Diabetes monitor, Cholesterol diet and healthy food eating nutritional concept with clean fruits in nutritionist's heart dish and patient's blood sugar control record with diabetic measuring tool kit

Most of us understand the function of fiber in controlling problems like constipation. But the benefits of fiber do not limit to gut functions. Instead, a little fiber in your diet can do wonders for your overall health as well. And while it might sound like a lot, a bump in your … Read more

Top 15 High-Fiber Foods You Should Consume

Dried kidney beans

Fiber is a word used for plant-based foods (vegetables, grains, beans, fruits, and nuts) and is not broken down by the body. It moves through the body undigested, eases the bowel motion, keeps the digestive system healthy and clean, and flushes harmful carcinogens and cholesterol out of your body. Fiber, called roughage, … Read more