Everything about Cranberry Beans

The cranberry bean, also known as the borlotti bean, is a rich nutty-flavored bean that is native to Columbia. Also known by the names of Roman bean, Saluggia bean, Gadra bean, or Rosecoco beans, it is a tan-colored bean streaked with magenta or black and used in various cuisines around the world owing to the unique flavor. Scientifically, these are classified as the common bean and known as Phaseolus vulgaris.


Cranberry bean is thought to have been first bred in Columbia. From there, it spread throughout the world and came to be named in such unique names as Wren’s egg, Tongues of fire, the borlotti bean, and some more. An important part of Italian cuisine, they are called the Salluggia beans in Italy, named after Saluggia where they are being grown since the 1900s.  In Mexico, these are known as Cacahuatte beans, and one finds them generously used in Mexican cuisine.

Growing Cranberry Beans

Cranberry beans are easy to grow. They grow on a stalk that can attain a height of 6 feet, hence they need ample space to grow well. The soil should have a pH of 5 to 7 and a temperature of around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The beans can be grown from the fresh pods or even from dried beans. The beans are ready to be picked after 60 days from cultivation. They are harvested in the autumn in the tropics. The pods can be eaten as vegetables or beans separated and dried to be used simply as beans.


Fresh cranberry beans are green and have shells. When young, they can be eaten whole, with shells and pods. But they are often dried and packaged before being sold. The fresh beans have pink and green pods while the beans are white with striking pink markings. The dried cranberry beans have a hazelnut color with streaks of red. When cooked, the beans, unfortunately, lose the color and turn simply brown. These beans are known to have a flavor resembling chestnut.

They have a nuttier flavor and less bean-like taste. The creamy texture and thick skin also complement many recipes that use these beans. Therefore, they are used in all kinds of dishes, salads, stews, and many kinds of pasta are especially loaded with cranberry beans in many countries. Popular in Spain and Italy, pasta dishes have made the most out of cranberry beans. Other than pasta and salads, they are added in chilies and eaten as baked beans. Moreover, they make a delicious ingredient for soups, or a simple yet delicious bowl of cranberry beans served with a few toppings.


The cranberry beans are not only good for the taste buds, but are essentially nutritious and a rich source of dietary fiber, protein, and iron. Also, they contain a goodamount of vitamins and minerals. Cranberry beans are low in fat and sodium and do not contain cholesterol, making them safe to be consumed by most people, providing the essential nutrients along.

A cup of cranberry beans provides 240 calories, with 16.5 grams of proteins. The amount of protein is higher than most other beans, making the cranberry beans the bean of choice if one is looking for a nutrient-packed, balanced meal to eat. Also, the beans provide most of the essential minerals and vitamins, including iron and copper.

Cranberry beans are notorious for causing discomfort in the intestines after being consumed. This is because of the indigestible complex sugars. However, this can be avoided by soaking the beans in water before cooking and additionally changing the water during cooking to soften the more complex carbohydrates and avoid digestion problems.

Ways to Cook

Cranberry beans are boiled before they can be used in any recipe. The beans usually come as dried and take about an hour to cook. The cooking time can be shortened using a pressure cooker, bringing it to about half an hour to yield the perfect texture and flavor. This is the basic cooking technique.

Flavors and seasonings can also be added along with it according to the recipe and other factors. Beans should be soaked before cooking to make them softer and reduce the cooking time. But soaking for a long period of time tends to make them easy to break and must be carefully handled.  Older beans take longer to cook, so one must keep these factors in mind before buying and cooking the cranberry beans for serving. Choosing the best cranberry beans is an important determinant for achieving the best taste and texture.

Health Benefits of Cranberry Beans

The nutrition loaded beans naturally come with many health benefits apart from providing a source of a balanced diet. Some of the health benefits of cranberry beans are as follows:

  1. Enhance Bodily Functions

The beans are a source of protein. A 100-gram serving can satisfy half the daily requirement of protein intake. Protein is essential for the formation of the vital cells and enzymes in the body. Hence an adequate intake of protein ensures smooth metabolic machinery of the body. Being a source of vitamins and essential minerals, they also play a vital role in the management of bodily processes.

  1. Improve Cardiovascular Health

Dietary fiber is the main constituent of this plant. Also filled with anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, cranberry beans help reduce the risk of cardiac abnormalities. They do not contain cholesterol, another positive sign for good cardiac health. One hundred grams of cranberry beans satisfy 40 percent of potassium requirement, further facilitating cardiac health.

  1. Prevent Diabetes and Obesity

The beans have a low glycemic index, making it ideal for those at risk of diabetes. They contain dietary fiber, aiding digestion, and helpful in preventing or aggravating diabetes. They are low in calories and do not fatten but rather are satiating and give the feeling of fullness. They are, therefore, known to prevent obesity.

  1. Are Protective For The Nervous System

Folate is an essential vitamin, present in these beans. It is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Also present is the mineral magnesium that helps to regulate the blood pressure and calms the nervous system. Folate is a very beneficial vitamin for pregnant women as it is essential for the development of a fetus. Cranberry beans thus form a good food choice for pregnant women.


Cranberry beans have been established as a healthy choice for diet. They are easily available and can easily replace any kind of bean. The unique and rich taste makes them a favorite for pasta, but can be used in any way while cooking. They not only satisfy your taste-buds but are one of the healthiest options to keep you full for a longer time.