Discovering the right CBD oil for you

CBD oil has exploded in popularity in recent months, and it’s now widely seen as a top choice for those who are looking to manage and alleviate stress as well as those who are simply looking to relax and have a good idea, perhaps in the company of friends. However, there is no one size fits all approach to CBD oil, and it’s definitely true that not oils are made equal. This article will talk you through some of the key CBD oil options available and give you an idea of which ones might suit your needs best.

Consumption type

CBD oil can be ingested in a wide range of ways, and it’s important to make sure you choose a method which suits your goals. First off, you might have a preference in terms of how you prefer to ingest other things. If you have chewing problems, for example, CBD oil sweets are probably not wise but if you find that smoking and inhaling can cause you respiratory problems, avoiding a vape is a good move. There can also be material differences in terms of the consequences of each type of ingestion. CBD oil infused in food, for example, is likely to take a long while to kick in given that it needs to be digested. However, by placing some drops of oil under the tongue, it’s possible to start seeing changes in just a few moments.

Ethical concerns

Some CBD oils come from a naturally occurring substance called hemp. Not all hemp is grown equally, however, and if you’re concerned about the provenance of the hemp used, then you may want to investigate the supply chain before buying. Some jurisdictions, such as Colorado, have strict rules around the use of pesticides in conjunction with hemp growing so if you want to avoid that sort of potential contamination, it’s wise to do some research.

Type of substance

Understanding the differences between CBD vs THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is important. CBD is not psychoactive, while THC is. In addition, some CBD oils come with a high concentration of cannabidiol in each dosage and it’s worth knowing the amount you need to take per dose and whether or not it is from concentrate. Once you know this information, you can decide whether you want to opt for a form of CBD oil that is highly diluted or whether you want to dive straight in. It’s perhaps advisable to try a small dose first, just to confirm that it is right for you

When selecting a CBD oil, it’s important to remember that there’s no right or wrong answer to the question. Some oils, for example, are designed to be ingested in a way which you might not find suitable. It’s also important to factor in everything from ethical concerns to disagreeable amounts before you make the decision. By doing your research and reading through all the different options, you’re sure to find one that works for you.