Debunking Breast Augmentation Myths

Perhaps you desire a symmetrical, fuller, and shapely look to enhance your natural looks. Or maybe you want to get back that youthful perkiness you once possessed before breastfeeding or a significant weight change. Whatever your motivation, we bet you have come across a ton of conflicting information and possible myths about breast augmentation surgery and are probably at a crossroads now.

It helps to know that breast augmentation in Beverly Hills (or anywhere else) is a cosmetic procedure that has been around for a long time. It is also one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the world.

Breast Augmentation Myths

Unfortunately, misconceptions around the safety and efficacy of breast implants persist despite the long history, technology, and a ton of published research supporting the procedure’s safety.

Below are some of the most common myths about breast implants:

Do I Need to Exchange My Breast Implants Every 10 Years?

No. While breast implants are not expected to last forever, they don’t have an expiry date, and many women never need to change them.

Unless you have a problem, have gained massive weight, or want a different look, your implants don’t need replacement.

Can People Tell That I Had Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Unless you pick very large implants, most breast augmentation surgeries are modest, look natural, and people hardly notice that it’s a result of surgery unless you tell them. You will just look better! Also, many women carry themselves with more confidence after breast augmentation surgery, which will be noticeable.

Do Breast Implants Cause Cancer?

No. Breast implants do not cause cancer. On the other hand, some textured implants have triggered a few cases of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).

Luckily, ALCL resolved upon removal of the textured implants.

Will I Get Breast Implant Illness (BII)?

There’s a lot of discussion about breast implant illness going on. A small percentage of women have complained about symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, hair loss, and depression that they think could be triggered by their breast implants.

While the symptoms these women are experiencing are real, it can be difficult to correlate these symptoms with breast implants. Hence, as at this point, BII is not recognized as a medical condition.

However, it is possible to have an allergy to implants. Again, this is extremely rare and affects less than one percent of breast implant patients.

Ensure to read authorities on the topic you are researching. Most importantly, when it comes to surgery, the best source of information is the people who perform these procedures every day: board-certified plastic surgeons.

Will Breast Implants Prevent Fertility, Pregnancy, or My Ability to Breastfeed?

Experienced breast augmentation plastic surgeons perform the surgery in a way that maintains your ability to nurse your little ones.

Numerous studies show that implants do not affect your fertility and ability to have children.

What if My Breast Implants Rupture? Will Silicone Leak Through My Body?

Leaks were possible with older implants, used over 10 to 15 years ago. With the introduction of highly cohesive gel implants, commonly known as gummy bear implants, ruptures are extremely rare, and leaks are impossible.

Will I Have a Lot of Scarring?

No. Scars from breast augmentation procedures are well-hidden, usually within the crease beneath the breasts, around the areola, or within the armpit.

Will I Have Nipple Sensitivity?

Most women (90 percent) say that their sensitivity is the same, and 10 percent say it increases. The chances are that your nipple sensitivity will not change after breast augmentation surgery.

Looking for further details about breast augmentation? Call your breast implant surgeon and ask any questions, concerns, and doubts you may have about the breast augmentation procedure.