Guide to Types and Benefits of Sapodilla (Sapota) Fruit

Sapodilla, also known by its scientific name Manilkara zapota, is originally native to the Central American coastline, Caribbean, and Mexico. Sapodillas are egg-shaped with a distinctive sweet aroma that sets them apart. Their flesh is a lighter shade of brown than their skin and is very sweet and granular. It is also known as Chikoo and makes a perfect combination with apples and pears for a healthy bowl of fruit salad.

Sapodillas are loaded with essential minerals and vitamins that our bodies need to function more effectively. This fruit is high in antioxidants with loads of vitamin C that helps combat bacterial infections invading our bodies.

Varieties of Sapodilla Fruit

  • Alano

This variety of sapodillas is indigenous to Hawaii. These are conical or round with light brown skin. The inside of this type of sapodilla is very granular.

  • Betawi

Cultivated in Indonesia, Betawi sapodillas are conical with juicy flesh. The flesh of this fruit is light-yellow or amber.

  • Brown Sugar

Named according to its flesh, this variety of sapodilla in light brown and granular from the inside. It can be round or oval with scurfy skin.

  • Gonzalez

Indigenous to the Philippines, this type of sapodilla can appear in round or oval shapes with light brown skin. They are not very granular in texture from the inside and can be found in small or medium sizes.

  • Hasya

Originally from Mexico, Hasya sapodilla has a sweet brownish red flesh with a similar light brown skin.

  • Makok

Appearing conical in shape, makok has light brown skin with moderately juicy inside. The flesh of makok can be light brown or even greenish-red with no grains.

  • Modello

This variety of sapodilla can be found in various shapes, including elliptic or oval. It has a lighter skin color than the other types, and it has a distinctive white smooth flesh.

  • Morena

This variety of the sapodilla fruit is oval and has a smooth flesh that is brown but with a reddish tinge. It is highly rated for its very sensational sweet aroma.

  • Molix

This one has almost the same qualities as Morena, with reddish-brown flesh and aroma.

  • Oxkutzcab

It is round in shape with reddish-brown flesh, which makes it very similar to the common type of sapodillas we all know.

  • Prolific

Ranging from round to conical in shape, prolific sapodillas have light brown skin with reddish juicy flesh. It is very popular for its strong sweet aroma.

  • Russell

Originally cultivated in the US, this variety of sapodilla has a pinkish-tan flesh that is also granular. It does not have a very strong aroma and has a grayish-brown skin with patches. It can be found in various shapes ranging from round to conical or sometimes oval.

  • Tikal

Its country of origin is the US, and it is conical in shape. The skin of this type of sapodilla is light brown. Its flesh is also light brown and smooth instead of being granular.

Nutrient Profile of Sapodilla

Sapodilla or Sapota fruit is a significant source of nutrients, vitamins, glucose, essential minerals, and tannins. If you consume Sapota fruit daily, you are providing your body with lots of energy in terms of calories and fiber while also piling up on minerals such as potassium, iron, and copper.

Moreover, consuming sapodilla fruit regularly supplies you with about 14% of your daily dietary fiber requirement. It contains vitamins such as folate, niacin, pyridoxine, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin A.

Due to this highly nutritious profile of the sapodillas, they are deemed pertinent for easing stomach discomfort and problems related to digestion. Also, due to the presence of polyphenols such as tannins, sapodilla has an amazing antioxidant effect on our bodies. This helps in reducing the oxidative stress in our bodies, which is important for treating bleeding, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids.

Benefits of Sapodilla Fruit

1. Skin Benefits of Sapodilla fruit

  1. This fruit has vitamin E in it, which makes it substantially beneficial for our skin. Vitamin E is great for miniaturization of the skin. It helps keep the skin hydrated and thus reduces the need to go for various skin products for enhancing the texture.
  2. Sapodilla fruit is also known for slowing the aging process of the skin. The antioxidant properties of sapodillas help us get rid of the free radicals that are responsible for damaging the cells.
  3. The kernel oil extracted from the seeds of sapodilla fruit is extremely beneficial for treating skin afflictions when applied as a poultice on the affected area.
  4. Sapodillas are a powerhouse of vitamin A and C that are essential for healthy glowing skin.

2. Hair Benefits of Sapodilla Fruit

  1. The seed oil of the sapodilla fruit is very beneficial for moisturizing your hair. It gets absorbed in your scalp and makes your hair soft, which helps them make more manageable. If you have curly hair, you will find this oil magical for improving the manageability of your hair.
  2. Sapodilla seed oil has also exhibited benefits for treating dry scalp skin and hair fall due to seborrheic dermatitis.

3. Good for the eyes

Since sapodilla fruit is an excellent source of vitamin A, it is deemed very beneficial for the health of our eyes. Scientific evidence ascertains that vitamin A is crucial for the prevention of numerous ocular disturbances that become potential precursors of eye disorders.

Consuming sapodillas supply vitamin A to our bodies which in turn help protect the surface of our eye, the mucous membranes, and the skin surrounding the retina. It is claimed that this vitamin helps strengthen the mucous membranes in the eye that help keep the bacteria and viruses away from our eyes. Hence, it is significantly important that we incorporate sapodillas in our diet to help curb the risks of eye infections.

4. A Great Source of Energy

Sapota or sapodilla fruit is laden with glucose and dietary fiber. It is a natural energy booster for our bodies. If you do rigorous exercises and workouts daily, keep a sapodilla fruit with you to make up for the energy loss. The glucose in this fruit aids in making up for replenished energy, while the dietary fiber component of the sapodillas helps you feel full for a long time.

Additionally, according to research, our brain is the main organ that requires glucose for proper functioning. The deficiency of glucose and energy-loss renders the human mind incapable of working properly. Thus, we must include sapodillas in our diet and supply our bodies with the best natural sugar out there.

5. Loaded with Antioxidants

Polyphenols are the antioxidants that can be found in sapodillas in large quantities. These antioxidants compounds are popular for fighting various diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, or even cancer. The polyphenols act on the hazardous free radicals by neutralizing them, which in turn helps lower the risks of cell damage.

Moreover, when in 2004 a research suggested that cancer could be more than just genetic, the tables were turned in the field of medicine, and it was revealed that inflammation might be a potential cause of cancer. Therefore, foods that are high in antioxidant properties can help lower the risk of numerous chronic diseases.

6. Helps Relieve Digestive Problems

Dietary fiber has been proven to be an amazing natural laxative. The soluble fiber component in the dietary fiber helps slow down the digestion and heals the digestive tract with its gel-like forms as it goes down the tract. On the other hand, the insoluble fiber part goes straight to the large intestine, where it helps add bulk to our stool.

This is extremely helpful in relieving constipation pain and treating the condition. The slow digestion of the fiber is also imperatively helpful in curbing diarrhea and other digestion-related issues.

Some Ways to Incorporate Sapodillas in Your Diet

  • Blend it Away

Probably one of the best and most effective ways to include sapodillas in your diet is to make a smoothie. They taste amazing in the smoothie and even replace any form of sugar that you are used to putting in it. All you need to do is wash the fruit, peel it, cut it into pieces, and add to your blender.

  • Fruit Salad

The slightly granular texture of sapodilla fruit adds a great kick to your otherwise boring fruit salad bowl. It provides the right amount of sugar to the salad while keeping the processed sugar away, which is not good for the health at all.

Final Words

Sapodilla or Sapota fruit is an instant energy booster. It pumps up the glucose level in our bodies and aids in the proper functioning of our brain. Such fruits should be incorporated in our daily diet as they are an eminent source of iron, potassium, several different vitamins, and fiber. They are very nutritious and quick to peel. Just toss them in your regular fruit bowl, and they can even act as a replacement of sugar.