9 Benefits of Swimming

Swimming has incomparable selling points. It exceeds other aerobic exercises in some remarkable ways. The moment your body is submerged in water, it is also liberated from gravity-induced stress.

A Natural Med Doc recommends swimming to generally healthy individuals because it benefits the muscles and bones. Studies also show that this exercise stimulates the release of “happy hormones”. Since the entire body works during swimming, it is also an ideal physical activity if you’re aiming for huge weight loss.

If these are not enough to convince you in slipping into a swimsuit, here are the 9 benefits of swimming:

1. It’s a Full-Body Workout

When you swim, every part of your body is working. This low-impact exercise increases heart rate, tones muscles, and builds strength and endurance. Because it doesn’t stress the body, many injured athletes turn to it while on recovery. This way, they can stay in shape without risking another injury.

There are various swimming strokes that you can integrate into your exercise, including freestyle, butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and sidestroke. Each stroke focuses on a certain group of muscles; choose any that works best for you.

2. Improves Arthritis 

Water’s gentle resistance and the low-impact nature of swimming can be used as pain management by people with osteoarthritis. Since water supports most of your body weight, it inadvertently takes off a lot of pressure from your joints.

Swimming in warm water can also improve injuries because it relaxes the body and increases flood blow, speeding up the distribution of nutrients and chemicals needed for tissue repair.

3. Burns Calories

Swimming may look gentle, but it actually burns incredible amounts of calories. A person who weighs 160 lbs. can burn around 423 calories by just swimming for an hour, at a low to moderate pace. If that person decides to swim faster, he/she can burn up to 715 calories in an hour. Calculate how much weight you can shed in a month by just swimming for 1 hour each day.

If a 160-lbs person walks at 3.5 miles/per for 60 minutes, he/she will burn only 314 calories. Yoga can only torch 183 calories per hour and an elliptical trainer is just around 356 calories per hour.

4. Improves Quality of Sleep

Insomnia can cause anxiety, so people with this sleep problem suffer a vicious cycle of sleep deprivation and insomnia. Swimming triggers the release of atrial natriuretic hormone of ANP, a peptide hormone that lowers stress and blood pressure. 

Studies reveal that aerobic exercises can help improve sleep and as a consequence— the quality of life. Swimming is a safer choice for people with injuries and physical conditions that make another workout difficult. This is good news for insomnia sufferers with joint, muscle, or bone issues.

5. Puts You in Good Mood

A study that involved a small group of individuals with dementia found out that participating in aquatic activities for 12 weeks can improve mood.

Many studies claim that swimming stimulates the brain region that releases “serotonin”, the hormone associated with reward, attachment, and happiness. This suggests that the low-impact aquatic sport may help improve depression and anxiety. Of course, this should just complement the treatment prescribed by a healthcare professional.

6. May Relieve Asthma

Asthma sufferers need to be cautious in planning their exercise regimen due to avoid triggering an attack. Swimming, being a low-impact cardio exercise, is ideal for them. Because they will have to hold their breath when making laps, their lung capacity is expanded. However, some studies advise people with asthma to avoid pools treated with chemicals that can irritate their respiratory system. Speak to your doctor about swimming if you’re an asthma-inflicted individua, and as much as possible, choose a pool treated with water instead of chemicals.

7. Safe for the Pregnant

Pregnant women can lower their risk of getting muscle stiffness, joint pain, and respiratory problems by swimming. This is because the water’s resistance massages their entire body and supports their weight. Careful swimming also improves blood circulation that can help stabilize blood pressure and prevent varicose veins. In addition to these, swimming can be performed until the third trimesters.

Although this activity is considered to be generally safe, pregnant women are still advised to get the permission of their doctor. Not only for swimming but in any exercise regimen they intend to take on during pregnancy.

8. Helps Improve Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) may consider getting into swimming to relieve some symptoms. Because your weight is supported by water when swimming, the pressure in joints and muscles are significantly reduced. This makes swimming an effective part of pain management Phoenix.

This can be seen in a 20-week study that involved people with MS, where they noted improvements in pain, depression, and fatigue.

9. Gets Rid of Stress

Exercise has proven to be effective in stress management. Research in New Taipei City that surveyed 101 people found out that 40 of them are mildly depressed and stressed. But the 40 shrunk 8 after swimming. While this claim still needs further probing, it can be concluded that swimming is a potential strong stress reliever.

Final Note:

In order to gain all the potential health benefits of swimming, you must make certain that it’s safe for you. People with any health condition must consult their doctor first before swimming.