5 Tips for Staying Healthy Before and After Joint Replacement Surgery

If you’re a person who spends most of your day sitting in front of a computer, you’re more likely to experience pain and deterioration in your joints. One way to address this issue is through joint replacement surgery. But it’s crucial that you understand the risks of this operation and make sure that you have an action plan for staying healthy before and after the operation.

Understand what happens during joint replacement surgery

Joint replacement surgery is the most common form of orthopedic surgery. A joint replacement aims to relieve pain and restore motion to a joint affected by arthritis or injury. If you are in the early stages of osteoarthritis, joint replacement surgery can delay the progression of the disease. Before undergoing joint replacement surgery, it is important that you understand what happens during the procedure and recovery. Also, make sure that your surgeon is up to the task of explaining the process and preparing you. Like when getting hip replacement surgery at David Slattery, you can read on their site or get a detail of the complete journey along with quality aftercare.

Before deciding to have joint replacement surgery, patients should be sure that this is the best option. In some cases, there may be other treatments that will allow them to stay active without having to undergo surgery. For example, physical therapy may help people with knee arthritis to stay active and avoid the risks associated with joint replacement surgery. Before any type of surgery, patients should learn about what happens during the procedure.

Take steps to reduce your risk of complications before the operation

Many patients ask their doctors what they can do to improve their chances of successful joint replacement surgery. Although the medical team will always do everything possible to ensure that your surgery is as safe as possible, there are certain steps you can take to help. The first is to follow your doctor’s instructions to prepare for surgery and do your best to maintain a healthy lifestyle before and after the procedure. No matter how healthy you are when you have joint replacement surgery, you’ll still be vulnerable to certain complications. There are, however, steps you can take to reduce your risk of complications.

Before you decide to have joint replacement surgery, talk to your doctor about your options for non-surgical treatment. Your doctor may recommend exercises, physical therapy, and medications. For example, you may be advised to lose weight, use a cane or crutches, or take steps to relieve stress on the joint. These steps may help you reduce your pain and improve your function before joint replacement surgery.

Maintain a healthy weight

According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), maintaining a healthy weight is the most important thing you can do to preserve your joints. What does staying slim have to do with joint pain? The more weight you carry, the more stress you place on your joints. This causes the cartilage in your knees to wear down over time, which can lead to arthritis and further joint deterioration. If you are overweight or obese, losing as little as 10 percent of your current weight can reduce pain and prevent further joint damage after surgery.

Exercise regularly to keep your joints flexible and healthy

It may be hard to believe that regular exercise can help keep your joints flexible and healthy after a joint replacement. But the truth is that many surgeons actually recommend that their patients stay as physically active as possible. The old adage is true: you don’t want to use it or lose it. Your joints are a part of a complex system, and they all work together. In fact, when a surgeon replaces a joint, they are essentially replacing a worn joint with a new one. And that new joint needs to be used regularly to keep it working properly. No matter what type of joint replacement you have, your surgeon will tell you to keep moving. So, be sure to work with your healthcare team to develop a physical activity plan.

Use appropriate body mechanics to reduce wear and tear on your joints

Prolonged periods of improper body mechanics can cause early wear and tear on your joints. If you’re standing for long periods of time or frequently lifting things, you’ll want to remember to move your hips and knees and not your lower back. This helps to distribute the stress more evenly across your body. It’s also important to use proper body mechanics when carrying things and when going up and down stairs. This means keeping your back straight and bending with your knees instead of with your back. Bending with your knees instead of your back, also known as using your legs instead of your back, will take pressure off your joints and protect you from pain and injury.