5 Things To Start Doing To Prevent And Manage Bunions

A bunion is best described as a bony bump. They almost always appear on your big toe, at its base where it joins the main part of your foot. It’s commonly caused by the bones in your big toe moving slightly out of place. This causes the big toe to move toward the other toes, effectively causing the big toe joint to stick out.

As time progresses the bumpy section is likely to rub and will become red and sore. This leads to pain when walking and inflamed feet. Ignoring it simply increases the inflammation making the bunion larger and more painful.

You need to take steps today to prevent it from occurring or to manage your bunion.

1. Choose Shoes Wisely

A new pair of shoes should feel comfortable, which means they won’t pinch your feet anywhere. If the shoe isn’t instantly comfortable then don’t buy it, find one that is.

It’s also important to choose shoes that are wide enough and long enough to fit your feet. They should also have arch support. If they haven’t got any you can add support.

All of the above helps to reduce the pressure on your feet and lower the likelihood of bunions.

2. Get A Professional Opinion

You don’t need to wait for a bunion to appear to see a reputable podiatrist in Prestons; booking an appointment now means your feet will be examined and any issues, including bunions, can be caught early.

This can help to prevent a b union from developing. If you already have one they will be able to offer the right support, exercises, and even surgery if necessary to manage and even eliminate the bunion.

3. Avoid High Heels

High heels place a huge strain on your feet and your legs. The best approach is not to wear them at all, especially if you already have bunions. If you need to wear your high heels then limit their use to as little as possible. Your feet will thank you for it. It’s also advisable to avoid high heels over two inches off the ground.

4. Exercises

Your podiatrist will undoubtedly give you exercises to help you strengthen your feet and manage any bunions you have. They will show you how to do the exercise and then make sure you are doing it properly.

By doing these regularly you’ll strengthen your feet and ankles, reducing ankle pain and helping to boost your health. It’s surprising how much difference strong feet make.

5. Inspect Regularly

Whether you have bunions or not the best thing you can do is inspect your feet regularly. This will help you to spot any changes and get them taken care of before bunions form.

You should note, bunions can be very painful and deliberating. It is much easier to prevent them from happening in the first place. You can do this by choosing the right shoes, having them checked regularly, and doing foot-strengthening exercises. It takes very little time and it’s worth it.