14 Scientifically Proven Ways to Lose Weight Naturally

There is no shortage of myths about weight loss. The internet bristles with weight loss recommendations, most of which is questionable, if anything. Plenty of supplements, endless diets and meal replacement plans seem to talk a big game but come short more often than not. The natural ways backed by science have a significant impact on weight loss. Let’s look at some of those:

Incorporating protein into your diet

Protein is sovereign in matters of nutrition. A diet rich in protein will significantly boost metabolism since the body burns calories when metabolizing and digesting the protein you consume. Proteins do a neat job regulating appetite hormones and helping you feel full for longer. Consider having a high protein breakfast. Some of the best protein-rich breakfast ideas are eggs, quinoa, oats, nuts, butter, sardines, among others.

Eating single-ingredient foods

One of the best decisions you can make on your health journey is eating whole and single diet ingredients. These foods have minimal added sugars and added fats, making them the best for your body. Also, these natural foods have a host of nutritional benefits. And since whole foods are naturally filling, it is much easier to stay within healthy calorie limits. Weight loss is likely to follow with a whole foods kind of diet.

Going slow on processed foods and refined carbs

Most processed foods are laden with calories, added fats and added sugars. All of which are culprits for unwanted weight gain. Also, processed foods can be addictive, causing you to eat more than necessary. Watch and limit refined carbs intake. Refined carbs usually lack most of their nutrients and fibre. What remains after the refining processes is easily digestible carbs that carry the risk of overeating and other diseases. Some dietary sources of refined carbs are sodas, pastries, white rice, white flour and most breakfast cereals.

Considering a low carb diet

Limiting your carb intake is effective for weight loss. Reduce carbs and consume more proteins and fats. That will reduce appetite and consequently lead to you eating fewer calories. Furthermore, a low carb diet can help eliminate risk factors for several diseases.

Limiting added sugars in your diet

Added sugars not only cause weight gain. They are also associated with type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Most added sugars that we consume are usually hidden sneakily in various processed foods. That means you may be consuming more sugars than you can account for without realizing it. Be sure to check the ingredient labels for the different foods you consume. Remember, sugar goes by several names. Reducing your added sugar intake will improve your diet and lead to weight loss.

Moving your body

Exercise not only burns calories. It also contributes to improved mental and physical health. Aerobic exercises are great for reducing belly fat. Join a gym and incorporate weights into your exercise routine. Most diets lead to muscle loss and metabolic slowdown. Doing some resistance exercises like weight lifting helps to prevent muscle loss. Join a reputable gym like Nunawading gym to keep your metabolism going and avoid losing precious muscle mass.


Thirst can sometimes mask itself as hunger. You may be feeling hungry when all you need is a glass of water. Water also makes you feel fuller and reduces the amount of food you eat in a meal. Water is also a healthy alternative for other calorie and sugar-dense beverages.

Avoiding drinking your calories

Liquid calories like those found in fruit juices, chocolate milk and energy drinks are high contenders for increasing the risk of obesity. Reducing your intake of sugar-sweetened beverages will lead to considerable weight loss.

Filling your plate with more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are some of the most healthy foods that contribute to weight loss. They have high water, nutrient and fibre content making it okay to have them in large amounts without consuming too many calories. It helps that they have low energy density. Eating more fruits and vegetables will lead to weight loss.

Taking your time with your food

Your body takes time to realize that you are full. When you eat too fast, you end up consuming too many calories before your body registers that you are satisfied. As a result, many people ask, “what is mindful eating?” to stop this cycle. A nutrition coach is particularly important to help you overcome self-defeating eating habits and answer questions. Remember to chew slowly and take time with your food to eat fewer calories and achieve weight loss.

Getting enough sleep

Lack of sleep encourages the production of the ghrelin hormone, which contributes to increased hunger. It also decreases the production of leptin which is the satisfaction hormone. All these factors lead to increased weight gain. Also, when sleep-deprived, your body will crave higher energy foods, most of which are high in calories. Furthermore, with inadequate sleep, you do not get the chance to be well-rested enough to make sound choices in different sectors of your life. You are likely to make healthy food choices when you have had enough sleep and are better balanced. Get the recommended hours of sleep. If you have problems getting high-quality sleep, you may want to talk to a sleep professional.

Practising mindful eating

Mindful eating involves increasing awareness when eating. When you are more aware and take time to experience the food, you are more likely to make conscious food choices and notice your satiety cues. You will nourish your body in response to those cues. With mindful eating, you are less likely to overconsume. Mindful eating is beneficial, particularly for binge eating and emotional eating troubles.

Eating lots of fibre

When you consume plenty of dietary fibre, you will feel full faster, making it easier to consume fewer calories. Some fibre-rich foods are fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts, peas, beans and pulses.

Managing your stress levels

When you are under constant stress, your body releases cortisol which contributes to increased appetite. See, cortisol signals the need to restore the body’s nutritional stores from carbohydrates. Insulin moves the sugar from the carbohydrates, and since the sugar is not in use for a fight or flight response, the body stores it as fat. Managing your stress levels will help manage your weight. Some ways to manage stress are yoga, breathing techniques, meditation, yoga or spending time outdoors.

Final remarks

Weight loss does more than the superficial- fitting into smaller clothes. Maintaining a healthy weight improves mood and mobility. It also reduces the chances of getting serious illnesses. It is beneficial to both the body and the mind.